Department of Geography

Identity area

Type of entity

Corporate body

Authorized form of name

Department of Geography

Parallel form(s) of name

    Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

      Other form(s) of name

        Identifiers for corporate bodies

        Description area

        Dates of existence

        1968 -


        The Department of Geography was established by the Board of Governors in 1965 as one of the original Departments in the Faculty of Arts. The Department was responsible, through its Head, for the promotion of research and the development and delivery of programs in the broad fields of Human and Physical Geography. In 1965, the Department consisted of five faculty members and offered six undergraduate courses in the areas of economic, social and physical geography. Subsequent additions to its degree program offerings were a M.A. and Ph.D. in 1966, a B.Sc. in Physical Geography in 1978 and M.Sc. in 1981. The latter two degrees were both through the Faculty of Science. In 1979, the Department had 21 faculty. Members of the Department have also been involved in interdisciplinary programs with other departments and faculties, including the Master of Natural Resource Management Program in Applied Science; the Canadian Studies Program in the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies; the Institute for Quaternary Research; and the Latin American Studies Program in the Faculty of Arts.

        The Department was administered by a Chair and a number of standing committees. The Chair was the chief administrative officer, whose responsibilities included the management of the operational budget; faculty tenure, promotion and salary recommendations; teaching assignments; and representation of the Department to external bodies. The number and composition of departmental committees varied little over time. In a draft Constitution of 1969, there were nine standing committees: Undergraduate Studies, Graduate Studies, Library, Accommodation and Equipment, Budget, Appointments and Guest Lecturers, Salaries and Promotions, Cartographic Services, and Tenure. By 1990, the Resources Committee had replaced the former Accommodation and Equipment and Cartographic Services Committees; and the Departmental Tenure Committee had replaced the Salaries and Promotions Committee. Ad hoc committees, such as the Chairman's Search Committee, were also formed.


        Legal status

        Functions, occupations and activities

        Mandates/sources of authority

        Internal structures/genealogy

        General context

        Relationships area

        Related entity

        Pierce, John T.

        Identifier of related entity

        Category of relationship


        Dates of relationship

        1 September 1993 - 31 August 1995

        Description of relationship

        John T. Pierce officer of Department of Geography: Chair

        Related entity

        Hickin, Edward J.

        Identifier of related entity

        Category of relationship


        Dates of relationship

        1981 - 31 August 1985

        Description of relationship

        Edward J. Hickin officer of Department of Geography: Chair

        Related entity

        Hayter, Roger

        Identifier of related entity

        Category of relationship


        Dates of relationship

        1 September 1985 - 1990

        Description of relationship

        Roger Hayter officer of Department of Geography: Chair

        Related entity

        Roberts, Michael C.

        Identifier of related entity

        Category of relationship


        Dates of relationship

        1975 - 1980

        Description of relationship

        Michael C. Roberts officer of Department of Geography: Chair

        Related entity

        Hurst, Michael Eliot

        Identifier of related entity

        Category of relationship


        Dates of relationship

        1971 - 1975

        Description of relationship

        Michael Eliot Hurst officer of Department of Geography: Chair

        Related entity

        Sagar, Brian

        Identifier of related entity

        Category of relationship


        Dates of relationship

        1970 - 1971

        Description of relationship

        Brian Sagar officer of Department of Geography: Chair

        Related entity

        Cunningham, Allan B. (- January 1988)

        Identifier of related entity

        Category of relationship


        Dates of relationship

        1969 - 1970

        Description of relationship

        Allan B. Cunningham officer of Department of Geography: Chair

        Related entity

        MacPherson, Archibald

        Identifier of related entity

        Category of relationship


        Dates of relationship

        1965 - 1969

        Description of relationship

        Archibald MacPherson officer of Department of Geography: Chair

        Access points area

        Subject access points

        Place access points


        Control area

        Authority record identifier

        Institution identifier

        Rules and/or conventions used


        Level of detail

        Dates of creation, revision and deletion




            Maintenance notes