Series consists of material relating to Occupy Vancouver either created or received by Adbusters. Included are two flags similar to the American and Canadian flags. The first flag contains the symbols of large corporations. The second flag is decorated with multiple maple leaves that form “99%.” It also includes a copy of the Adbusters magazine The Big Ideas of 2012 and a copy of the book Meme Wars: The Creative Destruction of Neoclassical Economics.
The file includes two copies of the affidavit # 1 of Garrick Bradshaw, Penny Ballem, Murray Wightman, Frank Dodich, John McKearney, Cael Hopwood, Brenda Proksen, Blake Chersinoff, and Will Johnston in the Supreme Court of British Columbia between the City of Vancouver and Sean O’Flynn-Magee, Jane Doe, John Doe and other unknown persons.
The file includes a copy of the book Dispatches from the Occupation: A History of Change by Stephen Collis.
Item is a copy of the book Meme Wars: The Creative Destruction of Neoclassical Economics.
The file includes a “Notice of Application” in the Supreme Court of British Columbia of the City of Vancouver to Sean O’Flynn-Magee, Jane Doe, John Doe and other unknown persons.
The file includes: copies of a booklet on “What is Occupy Vancouver?”; a second draft proposal for review and consensus by the Information Tent Committee for Occupy Vancouver; a folder with the title “Portland Ideas” with records on building consensus in an open assembly; a folder with notes by Tyler, Info Tent; a folder with notes on a guide for group dynamics in people’s assemblies; a folder with General Assembly approved bills at 17th October, 2011; copies of “Occupy Vancouver” magazine; copies of a “Notice pursuant to City Land Regulation By-Law”; a copy of the “Order pursuant to Vancouver fire by-law No. 8191”; proposal for the General Assembly for November 8, 2011; blank forms regarding “My Occupation”; blank copies of the form No. 33 based on the Rule 8-1 (10); two copies of “We can Stay” letter to the Occupiers if they comply with the fire safety rules; and notes regarding Vancouver Fire By-law No. 8191.
Series consists of records and meeting minutes pertaining to Occupy Vancouver committees: General Assembly, Volunteer Coordinating Committee, Info Tent, Security and Safe Guard Unit. It includes also Occupy Vancouver leaflets, booklets, by-laws and general records related to day-to-day activities.
Series consists of records related to the court case between the City of Vancouver and Sean O’Flynn-Magee, Jane Doe, John Doe and other unknown persons. It includes: affidavits of Garrick Bradshaw, Penny Ballem, Murray Wightman, Frank Dodich, John McKearney, Cael Hopwood, Brenda Proksen, Blake Chersinoff, and Will Johnston; short leave requisition; notice of civil claim; and notice of application.
Item is a flag similar to the Canadian flag with 99% made out of maple leaves.
Item is a flag similar to the United States flag where instead of the stars there are the symbols of large corporations.
The file contains notes on workgroups, activities and seminars held by Info Tent.
Item is a brown teddy bear with a pin on which is written “Info?”
Item is a journal with drawings of faces. Each face has a name on top. Inside the journal there is a loose paper on which is written “pamphlets, petitions, etc. Material for distribution.”
The file includes lost and found object lists with names and phone numbers. It contains also a map of where the activists were located.
Item is a publication by Adbusters United Kingdom called The Big Ideas of 2012
The file includes articles on Occupy Vancouver from Extra and MetroNews.
Item is a notebook with text written only at the beginning of the first page.
Item is a notebook containing names and phone numbers.
Item is a notebook with “Bomb East Side” written on the cover. Inside there are drawings and thoughts.
Item is a notebook containing names and phone numbers.
Series consists of five notebooks containing drawings and thoughts made by the activists
The file includes a “Notice of Civil Claim” in the Supreme Court of British Columbia between the City of Vancouver and Sean O’Flynn-Magee, Jane Doe, John Doe and other unknown persons.
The file includes loose papers with emails and phone numbers; Occupy Vancouver leaflets; meeting minutes template; leaflet with “Legal Basics for Occupy Vancouver Activists”; two copies of “Occupy Vancouver Global Revolution Day”; blank copy of McDonald’s Restaurant Employment Application; copy of a letter of a possible $1000 donation for tents end electricity from Michael Goodman; booklet “Reflections for the US Occupy Movement” by Peter Gelderloos; research on anarcho-capitalism; statement of solidarity march to Ottawa; a draft of “Financial and Accounting Policies” for Occupy Vancouver movement; copy of the General Assembly Organizational Gathering on October 8, 2011; and other records related to Occupy Vancouver activities.
The collection consists of records associated to the Occupy Vancouver movement covering the years 2011 and 2012. It comprises records related to Occupy Vancouver Committees (General Assembly, Volunteer Coordinating Committee, Info Tent), photographs of activists and objects (teddy bear, pins, flags). The collection includes records associated with the court case between the City of Vancouver and Sean O’Flynn-Magee, Jane Doe, John Doe and other unknown persons. The records have been arranged in the following six series: Committee records (2011); Court case records (2011); Photographs and moving images (2011); Notebooks (2011); Publications (2012); Adbusters ([2011-2012]).
Occupy VancouverThe file consists of eighteen digital videos and two copies of twenty-five digital photographs (total of fifty digital photographs) of the Occupy Vancouver movement made on October 15, 2011 by Sue Wilson. It includes images of the Raging Grannies, activists’ activities, policemen, posters and media.
The file includes notes and procedures from the Safe Guard Unit.
The file includes security information and security numbers related to legal and medical necessities. It also includes names and phone numbers.
The file contains minutes and notes of the meeting of November 3rd 2011 of the Occupy Vancouver Volunteer Coordinating Committee.
Item is a paper box with two Occupy Vancouver pins. On the front of the box is written “The General Assembly Field Manual from Madrid [Large font copies in blue and black].”
The file includes nine photographs of the same Occupy Vancouver group of activists taken from different angles, and one photograph of a single protester. No dates or names are given.