Series consists of newspaper clippings, art consignment information, art fundraising records, copyright reproduction information, day timers, travel records, grant applications, postcards, greeting cards, correspondence (typed and handwritten) from poets, writers and art organizations, a magazine article about The Georgia Straight, memorial pamphlets, website design plans and notes, BC Photography and Media Arts Society records (meeting agendas, committee and financial reports, planning records, staff lists and correspondence) and records (reports, constitution, correspondence, minutes, and exhibition requirements) pertaining to the Coast Art Trust. Series also includes official government correspondence, a petition letter on behalf of Barry McKinnon and newsletter articles on Pierre Coupey while he was an instructor at Capilano College/University.
Consists of a handbook, minutes, agenda, memorandum and other information
Art Commissions file: consists of correpondence with clients and other information pertaining to art commisions. (PI Concerns)
Series consists of artwork lists, reviews, art commission records, research, newspaper clippings, UBC panel discussion itinerary and letter, correspondence to and from art galleries, correspondence pertaining to government run art programs; design sketches, sketchbooks and journals; artworks on paper, newspaper clippings and art related print ephemera.
Photocopies of research articles, a newspaper clipping on colour theory, colour theory notes and correspondence
Artwork lists, reviews about Pierre Coupey, , research into online artspaces, newspaper clippings on Pierre Coupey winning visual art prizes, newspaper clipping on colour theory, The Lively Arts in Vancouver - UBC panel discussion series itinerary and letter, which includes Pierre Coupey in 1969,
Consists of exhibition information, gallery invitation and newspaper clipping
Consists of exhibition information, invitation layout, photocopies of the comment book, correspondence, CV, consignment sheet, grant program information.
Consists of exhibition information for the Pierre Coupey: Variations Done for bp Nichols exhibition, 6 photographs, mailing list of personal addresses and ephemra
Consists of an exhibition invitation, exhibition list and colour laser prints.
Folder cover contains his personal contact and residency information (privacy concern) along with Pierre Coupey's to do check list for the anthology, file includes a letter from McKinnon to Coupey, Mckinnon's CV, biographical information, poetry publication and a poem
Correspondence and application information
The Presentation House Gallery staff reports to the BCPMAS. The file consists of PHG newsletter, emails, 2001 annual report for PHG, GM meeting document, 2001 financial report of BCPMAS, PHG future planning document, 2002 PHG auction fundraiser list, gallery invitation, BCPMAS history and mandate, and other society information. (PI Concerns - addresses)
Folder cover contains his personal contact and residency information (privacy concern) along with Pierre Coupey's to do check list for the anthology, file consists of a letter from Bissett to Coupey, Poetiks unpublished poetry, biographical information and a postcard
Along with Pierre Coupey's to do check list for the anthology, file consists of a letter from Enemark to Coupey
Folder cover contains his personal contact and residency information (privacy concern) along with Pierre Coupey's to do check list for the anthology, file consists of biographical information
Consists of drafts, publication copy, newspaper clippings.This is an early work by Pierre Coupey while he was at Mcgill. The work was done during his BA in 4th year.
Consists of exhibition announcement, exhibition list, newspaper clipping and gallery correspondence and drafts for the art catalogue.
Council Business file: incoming and outgoing letters with the Canada Council, brouchures,
CCAB correspondence with Pierre Coupey regarding art rentals etc., letter about CCAB and their function, artwork list and shipping instructions, invitation
Consists of letters and application information
Consists of both business addresses and personal contact information for the Art Institute printmaking program.
Series consists of records generated from Coupey’s work as an Instructor of English Literature, Canadian Literature, Composition and Creative Writing at Capilano College. Records include and are not limited to the following: correspondence, departmental records, VHS teaching materials, Art Advisory Committee records, greeting cards, ephemera, newspaper clippings, dispute information regarding Capilano University’s cuts to the Fine Arts program, contact information for the Capilano College Art Institute, memos regarding reading engagements, memoranda, applications, project proposals, list of expenses, Coupey’s CVs and correspondence for Paid Educational Leaves. Also included are correspondence, maps, memoranda, travel plans, Aichi Gakusen College information, photographs, travel and tourist guides, handwritten research notes, and itinerary for Coupey’s visit to Japan.
In 2003 just prior to Coupey's retirement, Coupey received a one month faculty exchange at Capilano College's sister school Aichi Gakusen College, Okazaki, Japan in the Aichi Prefecture. Aichi Gakusen, like Capilano College, is a coed liberal arts college situated in Aichi, Japan. One of the College's goals is to offer a faculty exchange to Capilano instructors to pursue their professional development projects as they relate to Japan. As part of the Faculty exchange, Capilano College faculty are to provide lectures, have office hours available to students and assist with orientation of Aichi Gakusen students, who may eventually attend Capilano College. While at Aichi, Coupey researched calligraphy from the Kamakura period, 14th to 16th C. During his stay, Coupey was fortunate to attend three major exhibitions of Kamakura period work in Kyoto, which provided in-depth research for his Faculty Exchange.
Consists of dispute information and newspaper clippings and program cuts at Capilano U, in partcilular to the Fine Arts program.
Consists of drafts, publication copy, and a register of poets, publishing companies and budgets. Also included are images and layout and design work for the publication. Coupey’s compilation, “Circle Without Center: Poems & Collage,” was published by A Talon Books, Very Stone House, Vancouver, BC, 1967.
Consitsts of a president's report, minutes, constitution, contact list, exhibition information, letter from the President, letter of Intent, business card, donation letter and other correspondence. (PI concerns)
Along with Pierre Coupey's to do check list for the anthology, file consists of a letter from Smart to Coupey and a colour slide
Consists of a compilation audio tape of 5 poems. Poems consists of 1. Poeme Partition, 1962 Bernard Heidsieck, 2. 9 am, Machine Poem, B. Gysin 3. Poeme Partition-1963 Bernard Heidsieck 4. 3 permutations, 1960 B. Gysin, 5. Audio-poeme, "l'energie du sommal," 1965, Henri Chopin.
General correspondence with poets and artists, bpNicol Chap-Book awards information and greeting cards and postcards from Duncan McNaughton, Michael Ondaatje, Steve Ross Smith, George Rammel and Ellie Nicol, letter from Sawan Yawnghwe, correspondence regarding Louis Dudek death, general correspondence, magazine article on the Georgia Straight, mailing lists, and memorial pamphlets for Doris Shadbolt, John Newlove and Jerry Pethick, letter from Steve Harris regarding dedication page of his new art history publication: "Surrealist Art and Thought in the 1930s." (PI concerns)