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F-101-2 · Series · 1991 - 1997
Part of Women's Monument Project fonds

Series consists of minutes relating to the decision-making of the Committee which coordinated the Project. During the busy period of 1997, the Committee did not take minutes at every meeting. Also includes annual reports from 1994–1997.

Construction records
F-101-8 · Series · 1995 - 1998
Part of Women's Monument Project fonds

Series consists of records related to the building of Marker of Change, the Women's Monument by the artist, Beth Alber. The Groundbreaking Ceremony is also documented.

The monument consists of fourteen pink Laurentian granite "benches" arranged in a wide circle approximately ninety feet in diameter. Each bench approximates the length of a woman's body (5'5"), representing and inscribed with the name of one of the murdered women. (Each name appears on the side of the bench facing into the circle.) A horizontal vulva-shaped hollow, sand-blasted into the top surface of each bench, gathers rainwater, a symbolic vessel for tears and memory. Every other bench has an inscription of the Dedication in one of seven languages. The Dedication reads:

The fourteen women named here were
murdered December 6, 1989
University of Montreal.
We, their sisters and brothers,
remember, and work for a better world.
In memory and in grief for all women
who have been murdered by men.
For women of all countries, all classes,
all ages, all colours.

Surrounding the benches is a protective ring of clay tiles with over five thousand names of individuals and groups who donated to the Project. Tiles inscribed with epitaphs written by the families are located across from the bench of their respective daughters or sisters. A feather inscription designed by Susan Point is incised in Genevieve Bergeron's bench to signify to all First Nations people that the language inscribed there, Chinook, is First Nations. An orientation stand at one corner of the site has key text written in Braille and raised lettering for people who are visually impaired. The site is wheelchair accessible.

Includes all of the inscriptions that appear on Marker of Change --- for example, the text on the fourteen families' tiles, on the benches, donor tiles and orientation stand, and a drawing of the feather. Also includes a site map and donor tile placement map, and a file describing tile creation by Sumas Clay Inc. Should damage occur, these records contain the details that would be needed to guide repairs or restoration. Also includes budget, contracts and the Engineer's Seal of Approval.

F-101-3 · Series · 1990 - 1998
Part of Women's Monument Project fonds

Series consists of letters received from the public about the Project and examples of letters sent by the Committee in response. Also includes official support letters from community leaders, correspondence with the fourteen families of the murdered women, and correspondence with translators for the project's inscription.