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F-91 · Fonds · 1963-2023, predominant 1963-1995

Fonds consists of records relating to University ceremonies created by the Office of Ceremonies since 1982, and before that time, by the Registrar's Office and the President's Office. Activities and topics documented include the opening ceremonies for SFU in 1965, convocations, awards ceremonies, building and room openings and dedications, donor recognition events, staff recognition events, installations of presidents and chancellors, university anniversaries, and other special ceremonies.

Records include programs, books of words (order of proceedings), invitations, guest lists, correspondence, notes, press clippings, news releases, publications, photographic material, and other documents.

Ceremonies and Events Office
John Rowling fonds
F-318 · Fonds · 1975-2022, predominant 1990-2019

Fonds consists of records made or received by John Rowling in the course of his activities as a founder, organizer and member of the Campaign for Real Ale Society (CAMRA Victoria / BC) and the Great Canadian Beer Festival Society (GCBF), and as a writer on the BC craft beer scene and a collector of brewery and beer-related artefacts (breweriana).

Fonds includes paper files, born-digital records, and physical artefacts. It includes the organizational files of CAMRA Victoria / BC (series 1) and the GCBF Society (series 2); working files, drafts and articles Rowling wrote for What's Brewing Magazine, Celebrator Beer News, and Eat Magazine (series 3); personal correspondence and subject files relating to brewing and the BC craft beer (series 4); Rowling's personal collection of breweriana - beer bottles, labels, posters, glasses, t-shirts, business cards and other brewery artefacts (series 5); and his library of beer reference works, guidebooks and magazines (series 6).

Rowling, John
F-300 · Fonds · 1972-2022

Fonds consists of records created or received by Adbusters Media Foundation through the organization's publishings, advocacy campaigns, legal action, and merchandising. The fonds is a hybrid, containing born-digital materials as well as paper and analogue textual records, graphic materials, audiovisual materials, and artifacts. Records include magazines, books, posters, pamphlets, digital newsletters, digital spoof advertisements, graphic designs, mockups, memes, promotional photographs, marketing plans, operational notes and manuals, financial statements, correspondence, legal records, talking notes, and website captures. Records also include interview transcriptions and copies of newspaper and magazine articles documenting the organization's achievements. Graphic, textile, and ceramic merchandise also make up a notable portion of the fonds.

The fonds has been arranged by the archivist into twelve series:
Administrative records (series 1)
Publications (series 2)
Campaign records (series 3)
• Legal action records (series 4)
Blackspot campaign records (series 5)
Merchandise (series 6)
Talks (series 7)
Events records (series 8)
School projects records (series 9)
Media coverage (series 10)
Audio/video materials (series 11)
Website captures (series 12)

Note that the processing of series 4 (Legal action records) is still in progress, and the description is not yet published.

Adbusters Media Foundation
F-322 · Fonds · 1995-2022

The fonds is a hybrid, containing graphic materials, artifacts, textual records, and born digital records created or received by Tin Whistle Brewing Company during the production, distribution, and promotion of their craft beer line. Records include glass bottles, wooden and ceramic beer tap handles, labels, posters, signs, banners, table cards, beer profiles, t-shirts, beer glasses, bottle blueprints, gift certificates, temporary tattoos, business cards, pamphlets, awards, and digital images. Records also include digital copies of newspaper and magazine articles documenting the company's achievements.

The fonds has been arranged by the archivist into six series:
Beer bottles and growlers (series 1)
Beer tap handles (series 2)
Promotional materials and merchandise (series 3)
Awards (series 4)
Photographs (series 5)
Media publicity files (series 6)

Tin Whistle Brewing Company
Shani Mootoo fonds
MsC-76 · Fonds · 1957-2022

The fonds reflects Mootoo's work as a writer and artist. It contains printed typescripts of published works with drafts and related working papers, published reviews, drafts of unpublished works, lecture notes, professional correspondence, notebooks and sketchbooks, video productions in VHS format, audio materials and works of visual art.

The fonds has been arranged into 8 series: Literary works; Correspondence; Interviews; Book reviews and announcements; Notebooks and early writings; Artistic works; Photographs; and Ephemera. Some of the series are further subdivided into sub-series.

Mootoo, Shani
Larry Gambone fonds
F-313 · Fonds · 1963-2021

Fonds consists of records relating to Larry Gambone's activities as a student activist at SFU from 1967-1970 and his subsequent participation in Vancouver and BC counter-culture and anarchist movements. Records include Gambone's correspondence, notebooks and published writings; materials relating to various BC branches of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in which Gambone participated; his collection of anarchist and radical political literature (periodicals, pamphlets, posters); and copies of works issued by his publishing house, the Red Lion Press.

The fonds is organized into seven series, based on provenance, type of material or subject matter:

Gambone, Larry
Patricia Joan Ludwick fonds
MsC-53 · Fonds · ca. 1964-2021

Fonds consists chiefly of records relating to Ludwick’s work as a creator of various art forms. The records have been arranged into series according to these different forms, such as those relating to her work as a writer of live theatre, radio plays, poetry, and prose. While the archivist has categorized the records in this way in order to assist discovery, it should be noted that Ludwick’s art reached across the boundaries between disciplines: many of her plays, for instance, incorporate dance and choreography in order to convey meaning. Other series include records related to art installations that Ludwick created, as well as records supporting her role as a teacher, and assorted biographical records. A final series has been created which encompasses the audiovisual materials in Ludwick’s fonds: these are primarily tape or video recordings of rehearsals, live performances and broadcasts.

Ludwick, Patricia Joan
Dave Smith fonds
F-314 · Fonds · [199-]-2020

Fonds consists of records made or received by Dave Smith in his activities as publisher and editor of What's Brewing Magazine since 2015; and as a participant in the BC craft beer scene since the early 2000s; and as a collector of BC breweriana during this period. Records include issues of What's Brewing (BC) and correspondence and planning documents relating to the magazine; documentation on British Columbia breweries, beer festivals and events; and artefacts including posters, beer bottles, tap handles, coasters and other brewery merchandise and collectibles. Periodicals collected include a run of CAMRA Canada's What's Brewing newsletter (1983-1989), issues of the Northwest Brewing News (1997-2019), and a single issue of the British Columbia Craft Beer News (vol. 1, no. 1 2013).

The fonds is arranged into five series:

  • What's Brewing (BC) Magazine files, 2015-2020 (series 1)
  • Correspondence and brewery information files, 1993-2016 (series 2)
  • Beer festival and event files, 1993-2018 (series 3)
  • Beer periodicals, 1983-2019 (series 4)
  • Beer artefacts and collectibles, [ca. 195-]-[201-] (series 5)
Smith, Dave
Arthur Erickson fonds
F-299 · Fonds · [194-?] - 2019

Fonds consists of moving images, sound recordings, and textual records relating to Arthur Erickson, his achievements, his travels, and his friends and family. Moving images include documentaries; exhibitions; TV programs; Architectural Institute of America meetings; artistic films; and home movies documenting Erickson's travels and family life. Note that a number of the films are duplicates stored on different mediums (e.g. Betacam, U-matic, and VHS). Sound recordings include radio interviews, lecture series, news documentaries, movie soundtracks, and a soundtrack for the Architectural Institute of America awards ceremony. Textual records include two books and two pamphlets.

The fonds has been arranged by the archivist into seven series:

Travel films (series 1)
Audiovisual materials related to Arthur Erickson (series 2)
Published materials related to Arthur Erickson (series 3)
Memorial pamphlets (series 4)
Erickson family films (series 5)
Artistic films (series 6)
Sound recordings related to Arthur Erickson (series 7)

Erickson, Arthur
Out On Campus fonds
F-282 · Fonds · 1975-2019, predominant 1988-2016

Fonds consists of records made or received by Out On Campus in the course of carrying out its functions and programs. Activities documented include provision of facilities, resources and referral services; meetings of the Out On Campus Collective and various subcommittees; correspondence and liaison with other individuals and groups; funding, budget planning, and management of its financial resources; planning and organization of projects, programs, and events; and training and management of volunteers. Records include minutes and meeting support papers, correspondence, promotional material such as posters, brochures, and banners, photographs and photo albums, and videocassettes.

Out On Campus
Colin Stuart fonds
MsC-196 · Fonds · [ca. 1950?]-2019

This fonds contains textual and photographic materials related to the life and literary work of Colin Stuart - a poet most active in the Vancouver literary scene in the 1960's and '70's. Personal setbacks limited the publishing of his poems, so the bulk of this fonds consists of multiple loose copies and drafts of an extensive body of work that spans almost 4 decades.

The contents of this archive have been divided into six series: Series 1: Manuscripts, drafts, and notes ([ca. 1964]-[before May 2018]).; Series 2: Correspondence (1964-2005); Series 3: Notebooks (1967-2018); Series 4: Photographs ([after 1973]-[2000?]); Series 5: Education and administrative ([195-]-1995); Series 6: Works by Duncan McNaughton and others ([ca. 1974]-2019). Series 1 has been divided into the following sub-series: Sub-series 1: Manuscripts and complete poems (1967-[200-]); Sub-series 2: Partial manuscripts, drafts, and notes ([ca. 1964]-[before May 2018]).

Stuart, Colin
Judith Marcuse fonds
MsC-181 · Fonds · 1956-2019

Fonds consists of personal, administrative and production records for Judith Marcuse and her production company Judith Marcuse Projects (also known as Repertory Dance Company, Judith Marcuse Dance Company, DanceArts, Judith Marcuse Dance Projects Society). Spanning from 1956-2019, the fonds documents Marcuse’s life as a dancer and work choreographing, directing and producing dance and multi-disciplinary performing arts projects and festivals. The fonds predominately contains business records (particularly requests for grants and donations), promotional materials, media clippings, photographs, correspondence, sound recordings, and moving images.

This fonds consists of four main series (some containing sub-series) - Series 1: Personal records (1956-2018); Sub-series 1: Records created by others (1977-2009); Series 2: Commissions or consultations (1966-[2015?]); Series 3: Events, organizations and councils (2002-2018); and Series 4: SFU and International Centre of Art for Social Change (1996-2019) which contains 4 sub-series – Sub-series 1: Administrative records (1996-2019); Sub-series 2: Financial records (2007-2010); Sub-series 3: Grants/fundraising records (2008-2012) and Sub-series 4: Promotional records: ([2006?]-2009). The fonds also contains one sous-fonds (some containing sub-series).

Marcuse, Judith
Doukhobor collection
MsC-121 · Fonds · 1856-2019

Collection comprises photographs, manuscripts, correspondence, ephemera, books and periodical material resulting from and pertaining to the settlement and subsequent history of Doukhobors in Western Canada. Books and periodical items have been catalogued in the SFU Library Catalogue. Digitized images and accompanying descriptions of a portion of the collection are available on the Doukhobor Collection, 1898-1930 website.

F-61 · Fonds · 1964 - 2019

Fonds consists of records made or received by University Communications and Marketing and its predecessors.

Activities and topics documented include the establishment, organization and operation of the unit; photography of SFU people, places and events for campus publications; provision of information to the public; organization of special events; liaison with other units in the University; and the production of press releases, brochures, and on-going publications.

Records types include correspondence, minutes, reports, proposals, and working papers; photographs, including negatives and contact sheets; university press releases and publications; and articles and other reference materials relating to SFU.

The fonds is arranged into seven series:

University Communications and Marketing
Adeena Karasick fonds
MsC-162 · Fonds · [197-]-2019

Fonds consists of the literary papers, video recordings, slides, posters, promotional material and digital records of Adeena Karasick. Records document her work as a poet and performer, blurring lines between academic discourse and popular culture in the fields of contemporary poetry, poetics and cultural and semiotic theory.

Karasick, Adeena
Laurier LaPierre fonds
MsC-198 · Fonds · 1908 - 2018

This fonds contains primarily correspondence, photographs, videotapes, and newspaper clippings as well as research and drafts from a multitude of writing projects LaPierre worked on throughout his life. There is material relevant to many of the key aspects of LaPierre's personal and professional life, including his career as a television broadcaster and producer, his academic and publishing accomplishments, his service in the Canadian Senate, his work with charities and his home life and hobbies.

The series contained in this fonds are as follows: Series 1: General correspondence and personal records (1957-2013); Series 2: Records related to television and producing career (1971-2013); Series 3: Records related to writing career (1908-2012); Series 4: Records related to term in Senate (1966-2013); Series 5: Records related to work with charities and organizations (1989-2012); Series 6: Records related to public speaking engagements (1992-2003); Series 7: Photographs (1948-2009) and; Series 8: Moving images and audiovisual material ([ca. 1985-2013]).

Portions of this fonds are relevant to other SFU collections – Daryl Duke (MsC 120), Alan Fotheringham (MsC 157), Norman Klenman (MsC 101), and possibly Edward McWhinney (MsC 191).

LaPierre, Laurier
Purcell String Quartet fonds
F-302 · Fonds · 1968-2018, predominant 1968-1991

Fonds consists of records relating to the activities of the Purcell String Quartet, and the careers of its individual members. Records include concert programs, publicity brochures, posters, and press reviews; contracts, correspondence, tour schedules, and itineraries; and photographs, scrapbooks, and sound recordings and moving images.

The fonds is a hybrid of paper, analog, and born-digital media.

The fonds has been arranged by the archivist into nine series:

• Administrative records (series 1)
• Promotional material (series 2)
• Photographic material (series 3)
• Press reviews (series 4)
• Correspondence (series 5)
• Programs (series 6)
• Member records (series 7)
• Sounds recordings (series 8)
• Moving images (series 9)

Purcell String Quartet
Ruth Emerson Wortis fonds
MsC-185 · Fonds · 1957 - 2018

Ruth Emerson Wortis was a pioneer of modern dance, as well as a prolific choreographer, performer and dance educator. She was one of the founding members of the Judson Dance Group, which itself is credited for the rise of the Postmodern dance movement. This fonds follows the development of Ruth’s career through an extensive collection of performance programs, photographs, music scores, publications and reviews, choreographic materials such as dance and movement scores, and both personal and professional notes. Also seen is the effect of Ruth’s academic and teaching career on her dancing style as, over the years, she shifts slightly from the avant-garde for performance sake towards breaking down gender stereotypes in dance education by encouraging dance for movement’s sake to children and community groups.
This fonds contains seven identifiable distinct series. Series 1: Dance, movement and music scores (1957-2002); Series 2: Photographs (1957-1991); Series 3: Flyers and programs (1959-2002); Series 4: Published reviews and articles (1959-2001); Series 5: Writings and correspondence (1978-2001); Series 6: Ruth Emerson Wortis biographical information (2015-2017); and Series 7: Ruth Emerson Wortis performances and interviews (1989-1998).

Emerson Wortis, Ruth
F-109 · Fonds · 1964 - 2018

The fonds consists of records relating to activities of the School and its predecessors. Activities and events documented include the evolution of the department's structure, functions and governance; management of the School's budget and financial resources; management of School facilities; deliberations of School committees; correspondence of the Director with staff, faculty, other university departments and external organizations; curriculum development and course instruction; public-events programming; management of faculty and student relations; media relations, publicity and communications; and the organization of conferences and other special events.

Records include correspondence and reports; budgets and financial working papers; meeting agendas, minutes and supporting papers; course outlines and related material; media releases, event programs, flyers and booklets; audio and audio-visual recordings, films, photographs, posters and other graphic material; and departmental publications, including annual reports (1965-1976), course guides, newsletters and brochures.

School for the Contemporary Arts
Eden Robinson fonds
MsC-104 · Fonds · 1991-2018

The fonds consists of records primarily reflecting Robinson’s career as a writer, spanning approximately from 1991 to 2018. These include drafts of several of her novels including "Monkey Beach", "Traplines", "Blood Sports", "Son of a Trickster" and "Trickster Drift", correspondence with editors and other miscellaneous records. The fonds is arranged into seven series: Correspondence (1993-2005); Awards, events and reviews (1991-2007); Records relating to "Traplines" ([1997]); Records relating to "Blood Sports" (2004-2005); Records relating to "Monkey Beach" ([ca. 2000?]); Records relating to "Son of a Trickster" (2016-2017); and Records relating to "Trickster Drift" (2014-2018).

Robinson, Eden
Selma Wassermann fonds
F-263 · Fonds · 1962-2017

Fonds consists of records relating to Selma Wassermann's activities as an educator and scholar. Activities documented include SFU teaching and curriculum development; research and publication; development of classroom educational resources; professional development projects with teachers in the metro Vancouver area drawing on Wassermann's teaching for thinking methods and pedagogy; and correspondence with colleagues, including her mentor, Louis C. Raths. Records include course outlines, instructional materials, case studies, notes and working papers; correspondences and reports; speeches, conferences papers and proceedings, academic articles and books; teachers' guides and resources; interviews, photographs, classroom footage, sound recordings and video. The fonds includes copies of most of Wassermann's published articles, but only a small selection of her published books, including her first work, Teaching and Thinking (1966), as well as Spanish translations of Serious Players and Introduction to Case Method Teaching.

The fonds is arranged into six series:
- Teaching and course development files, 1972-2007 (series 1)
- Materials relating to case method teaching, 1991-2005 (series 2)
- Speeches, 1988-1999 (series 3)
- Publications and writings, 1967-2010 (series 4)
- Personal papers and correspondence, 1962-2000 (series 5)
- Audio-visual materials, 1989-2006 (series 6)

Wassermann, Selma
F-17 · Fonds · 1965 - 2016

Fonds consists of records created or received by the Peak Publications Society primarily in the course of publishing The Peak, the student newspaper of Simon Fraser University. Activities and topics documented include the establishment and organization of the Peak Publications Society; developing sources of funding; the production of the newspaper, including the taking of photographs required to illustrate stories published; the hiring and duties of Peak staff members; and other publishing ventures of the Peak Publications Society. Includes a complete run of The Peak newspaper from 1965 and other published material such as the Terminal City Express, The Dic (student course guide), and The Peak Handbook. Also includes certification of incorporation, constitution, agendas, minutes, financial records, correspondence, and other documents, as well as contact sheets, prints, negatives, and microfilm reels.

Peak Publications Society
Ajaib (Jab) Sidhoo fonds
MsC-178 · Fonds · 1923 - 2016

This fonds contains textual and photographic materials relating to the life experiences of Ajaib (Jab) Sidhoo. The contents of the fonds have been divided chronologically into five distinct series representing significant periods in Jab’s life. Each series is then divided into two sub-series: Photographs and Textual records. The contents of these series are primarily photographs, but correspondence, newspapers, magazines, personal memorabilia and ephemera are also included.
The series contained in this fonds are as follows: Series 1: Records relating to childhood/high school (1923-1942?); Series 2: Records relating to World War II service (1939-1945); Series 3: Post-War Vancouver records(1945-2009); Series 4: East India Carpets business records (1948-2016) and; Series 5: B.C. Lions and Canadian Football League material (1953-1998)

Sidhoo, Ajaib
Pierre Coupey fonds
MsC-205 · Fonds · 1957-2015

Fonds consists of records created, received or accumulated by Pierre Coupey through his personal and professional activities in the course of his career as a multidisciplinary contemporary artist, poet, co-editor, founding editor and English instructor. It includes hand-written and word-processed correspondence between Coupey and editors, publishers and other fellow writers, artists and poet-friends; unpublished poems and writings by Coupey and other writers, manuscripts and drafts of books and poems of Coupey’s poetic works and of other writers; reviews, newspaper clippings and photocopies of reviews of Coupey’s work as a poet and artist; original artwork by Coupey; photographs of Coupey and other writers; exhibition planning records; miscellaneous hand written notes by Coupey on his exhibitions and poetry works; hand written postcards and notes from fellow artists and poets; teaching materials as an English instructor; day-timers, which includes addresses and phone numbers of fellow artists and poets; promotional materials for exhibitions and reading engagements; Canada Council grant information; and miscellaneous ephemera such as exhibition postcards and posters.

This fonds is divided into 7 series: 1: Publication - "The Capilano Review" (TCR) (1959-2013); 2: Independent press (1967-1997); 3: Poetry and creative writing ([ca. 1957-2015]); 4: Capilano College (University) (1969-2014); 5: Exhibition records (1964-2015); 6: Artwork (1960-2013); 7: Administrative records (1960-2014).

Coupey, Pierre
Kiss & Tell fonds
MsC-165 · Fonds · 1988-2015

Fonds consists of records created and accumulated by the Kiss and Tell collective over the course of the collective’s operations. Records include photographs, correspondence, exhibition specifications and guidelines, and promotional and press materials.

Kiss & Tell Collective
Rick McGrath fonds
F-295 · Fonds · 1965-2015

Fonds consists of records created, collected, or received by Rick McGrath over the course of his work as an SFU student, writer, editor, and advertiser. Series 1 consists of SFU-related materials, including McGrath's own student records, ephemera, photographs, and publications.

McGrath, Rick
Derek Beaulieu fonds
MsC-125 · Fonds · 1987-2015

Fonds consists of records created or accumulated by Derek Beaulieu through his personal and professional activities, primarily from the 1990s to 2015. Records document his work as publisher of housepress and No press, and his work as a writer, editor, art and literature student and creative writing instructor.

Fonds is arranged into the following eight series: housepress (1997–2007); No press (2005–2015); Writings (1991–2015); Correspondence (1994–2015); Artworks (1996–[before 2013]); Notebooks, sketchbooks and daytimers (1987–2015); Promotional records ([199-]–[2015]) and Personal records (1994–2007).

Beaulieu, D.A. (Derek Alexander)
MsC-187 · Fonds · 2002 - 2015

This fonds contains textual and photographic materials relating to the development, publishing and sales of 6 titles commissioned and produced by SA&D, as well as records relating to the general operations of the business. Each series consists of materials related to one book, with assigned sub-series falling into standardized operational categories such as drafts, project development, post-production and research. The contents of each series are comprised of a wide range of primarily textual material such as correspondence, pamphlets, draft layouts, invoices, writing drafts and notes, photocopies, newspaper and magazine articles, and photographic material.
The series contained in this fonds are as follows: Series 1: “I Stand for Canada” – Rick Archbold (1998-2009); Series 2: “A Flag for Canada” – Rick Archbold (2002-2015); Series 3: "A Road for Canada" - Daniel Francis (2003-2011); Series 4: "Selling Canada" - Daniel Francis (2003-2013); Series 5: "Waterfront" - James Delgado (2004-2010); Series 6: "The Wild Ride" - Charles Wilkins (2008-2012); and Series 7: SA&D Publishing general operations (2002-2012).

Stanton Atkins and Dosil Publishers
University Advancement fonds
F-53 · Fonds · 1958 - 2015

Fonds consists of records arising from the activities of the SFU Development Office and its predecessors, records of the SFU Alumni Association, and records from the Three Universities Capital Fund. Fonds includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, promotional materials, address lists, lists of donations, newsletters, photographs, and other materials.

University Advancement
Edward McWhinney fonds
MsC-191 · Fonds · 1926 - 2015

Edward McWhinney was an international authority on constitutional and aviation law, a prolific author, member of multiple academic and professional organizations, a Member of the Canadian Parliament and a lecturer at universities around the world. In his later years he actively supported numerous institutions, including the charitable foundation he established with his wife, Emily McWhinney. He routinely travelled, and this collection reflects the diverse range of his careers and interests.

Consisting primarily of records created in the course of his extensive professional and political careers, this collection contains correspondence, newspaper and magazine articles, handwritten notes and cards, photographs, published materials, books, photocopies, and ephemera. The fonds has been split into 4 series: Politics and law (1943-2015); Publications and reviews (1956-2015); Associations, conferences and academia (1940-2015); Personal (1914-2015).

McWhinney, Edward