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Continuing Studies fonds
F-94 · Fonds · 1965 - 2004

The fonds consists of records relating to the development and administration of the Continuing Studies program and its predecessors. Activities, topics and events documented include the Dean's correspondence with university departments, faculties, and external organizations; participation on university and inter-university committees on continuing education; development of credit and non-credit courses, programs, seminars, workshops, and conferences; and publications.

The types of documents include meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting papers; correspondence and reports; annual reports; budgets and financial working papers; contracts; teaching and program evaluations; course outlines, proposals, and planning materials; and publications including course calendars, oversized posters, brochures, and journals. Also included are photographs, contact sheets and one artifact.

Continuing Studies
F-103 · Fonds · 1964 - 1980

The fonds of the Department of Psychology consists of records made and received in the course of administering the department, providing instruction, and promoting research. Activities and topics documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curriculum and programs; departmental meetings research achievements; student activities; and faculty appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations. Includes correspondence, minutes, reports, policies, faculty employment records, and other documents.

Department of Psychology
F-106 · Fonds · 1967 - 1996

The fonds consists of records relating primarily to the activities of the department and its predecessor programs. Activities and events documented include the evolution of the department, deliberations of departmental committees, correspondence of the director, course instruction including the field school, the role of the LAS student union, and the presentation of special events such as speakers and films.

Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies
F-92 · Fonds · 1970 - 1996

The fonds consists of records relating to the activites of the School and its predecessors. Activites and events documented include the evolution of the department's structure, functions and governance; deliberation of School committees; correspondence of the Chair with staff, faculty, other university departments and external organizations; departmental research projects, proposals, and grant applications; curriculum development files and course files; and publications.

Records include correspondence and reports; meeting agendas, minutes and supporting papers; policies and procedures; course proposals and outlines, lecture notes and planning materials; conference photograph negatives; course guides, newsletters and annual reports (1993-1994).

School of Communication
F-5 · Fonds · 1962 - 1989

The fonds of the Department of Biological Sciences consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the department and the carrying out of its functions of providing instruction and promoting research. The activities documented include the administration of the department and its facilities; departmental, faculty, and external meetings; research proposals and funding applications; correspondence with university and external bodies and persons; curriculum and program planning, development and delivery; and the promotion and advertisement of the department's curriculum, programs and activities. The types of documents include meeting agenda and minutes, correspondence, directives, photographs, published materials, and research papers.

Department of Biological Sciences
F-14 · Fonds · 1965 - 1988

The fonds of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the department and the carrying out of its functions of providing instruction and promoting research. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curriculum and programs; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; course evaluations; and the publication of journals and reports. The types of documents include meeting agenda, correspondence, course outlines and examinations, an external review, faculty files, memoranda, minutes of meetings, and reports.

Department of Mathematics
F-12 · Fonds · 1964 - 1988

The fonds of the Department of Geography consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the department and the carrying out of its functions of providing instruction and promoting research. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curriculum and programs; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; departmental reviews; and the publication of journals and reports. The types of documents include meeting agenda, correspondence, course outlines and examinations, an external review, faculty files, memoranda, minutes of meetings, and reports.

Department of Geography
F-15 · Fonds · 1963 - 1989

The fonds of the Department of Philosophy consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the department and the carrying out of its functions of providing instruction and promoting research. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curriculum and programs; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; departmental reviews; and the publication of journals and reports. The types of documents include meeting agenda, annual reports, correspondence, course outlines and examinations, faculty files, memoranda, minutes of meetings, and reports.

Department of Philosophy
F-204 · Fonds · 1972 - 1974

The fonds consists of records made or received by the Institute's Director in the course of planning the establishment of the Institute. Activities documented include development of the Institute's mandate, policies, and administrative structure; public programs planning; recruitment of staff, fellows, and conference participants; liaison with other SFU departments, faculty and staff associations, government, and other institutions; budget planning; facilities and space planning; and publicity and media relations. Document types include correspondence and reports; the proposal to establish the Institute, its charter and code of ethics, policies, and information brochure; conference proposals and invitations to potential participants; job applications, resumes, notes, and agreements; brochures, newsletters and other printed material from external associations and institutions offering comparable programs; costing estimates, budgets, funding strategy, correspondence and proposals to funding agencies; space planning reports and architectural drawings of the planned facilities for the Institute; and publicity material and press clippings relating to the Institute.

Institute of Public Policy Analysis
F-28 · Fonds · 1966 - 1984

The fonds of the Vice-President, Finance and Administration consists of records made and received in the course of carrying out the general administration of the University. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; general supervision of units reporting to the Vice-President; participation in university committees; liaison with internal and external bodies such as the various faculties, employee associations and unions, other universities, associations, and municipalities; budget preparation; correspondence with various individuals and bodies; and speeches and engagements undertaken as a representative of the University. The types of documents include meeting agenda and minutes, correspondence, memoranda, reports, publications, and brochures.

Office of the Vice-President, Finance and Administration
F-201 · Fonds · 1977 - 1998

The fonds consists of records made or received by the Office of the Associate Vice-President, Academic in the course of its activities. Activities and topics documented include the AVPA's reporting relationship with the VP Academic (meetings and consultations); liaison with other senior university administrators, including the President and other Vice-Presidents; administrative supervision of and correspondence with units reporting to the AVPA; and the AVPA's participation in a number of Senate committees, including the Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries (SPCSAB), the Senate Undergraduate Admissions Board (SUAB), the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (SCUS), the Senate Committee on Academic Planning (SCAP), and the Senate Committee on Enrolment Management and Planning (SCEMP). Records include correspondence, reports, and meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting papers. For more detailed descriptions of record types, see individual series and sub-series descriptions.

Office of the Associate Vice-President, Academic
F-86 · Fonds · 1968 - 2006, predominant 1968 - 2000

The fonds consists of records relating to the administration of the Office of the Vice-President, Research. Activities, topics and events documented include correspondence with university departments, research centres and institutes, and members of the larger university community on research-related topics; liaison with the local and national research industry and the government; reports on SFU-based research projects and initiatives; and financial records including budget reports and grant applications. Also included are records of the Vice-President's involvement on university, industry and government committees. The fonds also has records relating to Bruce Clayman's term as both the Vice-President, Research and Dean of Graduate Studies.

The types of documents include meeting agendas, minutes and supporting papers; correspondence and reports; annual reports; budgets and financial working papers; contracts; and publications including newsletters, posters, brochures and directories.

Office of the Vice-President, Research
Senate fonds
F-84 · Fonds · 1964 - 1996

The fonds consists primarily of agendas, minutes and supporting papers from the various committees of Senate. In addition, the fonds contains a series of Registrar's Senate correspondence concerning administrative matters and a series of subject files kept by the Registrar on topics of interest to Senate. Finally, the fonds includes a series of Senate reference files compiled by previous Archives staff for informational purposes. Document types include agendas, minutes, supporting papers, correspondence, terms of reference, reports, briefs, proposals, policies, statistics, lists, publications, handbooks, drafts, notes, working papers and other documents.

Note: The records of the full Senate (agendas, minutes and papers) are held by the Senate Secretariat; a vital records set of agendas, minutes and papers is held in archival storage and is not accessible. Researchers wishing to inspect Senate agendas, minutes and papers should consult the Senate Secretariat.

Faculty of Science fonds
F-24 · Fonds · 1965 - 2000

The fonds consists of records relating to the academic development of the Faculty of Science and the departmental administration of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Activities, topics and events documented include the Dean's correspondence with faculty and departmental chairs; correspondence with the university community, local and international science professionals, and provincial and national organizations; departmental reviews; participation on university committees and the Management Council of the Western Canadian Universities Marine Biological Society; liaison with university research institutes; and construction of the South Science Building on campus.

The types of documents include meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting papers; correspondence and reports; annual reports; budgets and financial working papers; speeches; policies and procedures; bound architectural drawings; and publications including newsletters, pamphlets, journals, conference programs, posters, research summaries, and a calendar.

Faculty of Science
F-20 · Fonds · 1964 - 1975

The fonds of the Department of Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the Department and the carrying out of its functions of providing instruction and promoting research. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curricula and programs; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; departmental reviews; and the publication of journals and reports. The types of documents include meeting agenda, correspondence, course outlines and examinations, an external review, faculty files, memoranda, minutes of meetings, and reports.

Department of Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology
Department of Physics fonds
F-19 · Fonds · 1964 - 1991

The fonds of the Department of Physics consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the Department and the carrying out of its functions of providing instruction and promoting research. The records consist chiefly of departmental administrative files (1965-1985), minutes of departmental meetings (1965-1973), records relating to research activities of faculty (1965-1985), personnel records (1965-1985), the Physics Summer School (1966-1979), and correspondence of the Chair (1971-1986). The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curriculum and programs; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; departmental reviews; and the publication of journals and reports. The types of documents include correspondence, course outlines and examinations, an external review, faculty case files, memoranda, agenda and minutes of meetings, and reports.

The files were arranged by the Department according to two different file classification systems. This original order has been maintained. Most of the records are arranged according to the first system, which was therefore used to identify series. Series that can be found in both systems were drawn together intellectually by the archivist and described as one series although their physical order has been maintained as received.

Department of Physics
F-225 · Fonds · 1965 - 2000

The fonds consists of records relating to the administration of the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies. Activities, topics and events documented include the Dean's correspondence with graduate program chairs and academic departments, the greater university community, student clubs, and provincial and national organizations; participation on external and university committees; review of new graduate programs; planning and delivery of training programs and workshops; and the adjudication of graduate scholarships, awards, and bursaries.

The types of documents include meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting papers; correspondence and reports; annual reports; budgets and financial working papers; contracts; new graduate program reviews; and publications including graduate program brochures, student handbooks, and newsletters.

Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies
F-202 · Fonds · 1972 - 1999

The fonds consists of records made or received or inherited by Academic Planning Services in the course of its activities. Activities documented include the operations of the the Academic Planning Committee (predecessor of the Senate Committee on Academic Planning), external reviews of university departments, new academic program proposals, and SFU's participation in TRIUMF (the particle accelerator facility located at the University of British Columbia and operated jointly by a number of Canadian universities). Records include meeting agendas, minutes and support papers, and external review reports and related documentation. For more detailed descriptions of record types, see individual series descriptions.

Note that many of the records were created before the establishment of Academic Planning Services and were inherited by the unit: all of series 1 (Academic Planning Committee), many files in series 2 (External reviews), all of series 3 (TRIUMF correspondence), and some of series 4 (General correspondence). Note also that the only records post-dating Alison Watt's tenure as Director (1990-1996) are found in series 2 (External reviews).

Academic Planning Services
F-203 · Fonds · 1977 - 1995

The fonds consists of records made or received or inherited by the Academic Relations Office in the course of its activities. Activities documented include negotiations and consultations with the SFU Faculty Association (SFUFA) relating to the collective framework agreement; development of faculty salary policy and allocation of faculty salary budgets; the activities of the Salary Equity Study Committee; administrative and record-keeping support for salary review, renewal, tenure, and promotion processes at the university. The fonds also includes a series of files inherited by the Office that were originally created by the Assistant to the VP Academic in her capacity as a university representative on the Executive Board of the SFU Childcare Society (ca. 1984-1987). Records consist predominantly of correspondence, meeting minutes and agenda, reports, and notes and working papers.

Academic Relations Office
F-205 · Fonds · 1977 - 1979

The fonds consists of records made or received by the Director in the course of planning for the establishment and operations of the School. Activities documented include curriculum planning and development; management of the program-approval process; research and site visits to other universities with comparable programs; liaison with other SFU departments, other educational institutions, government and the Kelowna community; recruitment and appointment of School faculty and the hiring of the Director; dissemination of program information to students and media relations; budget and facilities planning; and the activities of SFU's Interior Programming Committee. Record types include correspondence and reports; course proposals, curriculum outlines, drafts and commentaries; brochures, leaflets, program descriptions, reports and studies from other universities; a labour-market survey and related documentation (contract, correspondence, reports); planning committee meeting minutes and supporting papers; position advertisements, lists of faculty candidates, applications, CVs, search committee minutes and working papers; program brochures; budget proposals, projected budgets and notes; space planning reports, studies, and architectural drawings; and press releases, news clippings, and other publicity material.

Kelowna School of Resource Management
F-207 · Fonds · 1970 - 1978

The fonds consists of records relating to the development and administration of non-academic services for students, staff and faculty at Simon Fraser University. Activities, topics and events documented include the Vice-President's correspondence with university services departments, Student Society, the university community, and provincial and national organizations; participation on university committees; development of projects, programs, and workshops; and publications. Also included are records of the Assistant to Vice-President, University Services.

The types of documents include meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting papers; correspondence and reports; annual reports; statistical studies; budgets and financial working papers; contracts; and publications including student handbooks, brochures, posters, newsletters, and newspaper clippings.

Office of the Vice-President, University Services
Faculty Council fonds
F-112 · Fonds · 1965 - 1973

Fonds consists of records documenting the functions and activities of the Faculty Council. Fonds includes agendas, minutes, correspondence, policies and procedures, and other documents.

Faculty Council
Joint Faculty fonds
F-113 · Fonds · 1965 - 1971

Fonds consists of records relating to the activities of the Joint Faculty and the Interim Council of Joint Faculty. Includes agendas, minutes, correspondence, reports, and other documents. Researchers should be aware that the records of Joint Faculty appear to be incomplete and that this fonds appears to have been partially created from the records of the Office of the President, the University Librarian, and the records of the Simon Fraser Student Society.

The fonds consists of eight files.

Joint Faculty
F-63 · Fonds · 1972 - 2004; predominant 1975 - 1991

The fonds consists of records relating to the activities of the department. Activities and events documented include the history of the department, the delivery of courses in Women's Studies, the administration of student work study programs and honorary degree nominations, and the organization of various events such as conferences, retreats, seminars and speakers series. Records include correspondence, reports, proposals, course outlines and descriptions, photographs, posters, conference materials, and other documents.

Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies
F-64 · Fonds · 1969 - 1988

Fonds consists of records created or received by the Centre for Canadian Studies in the course of administering its program and carrying out its operational functions. Activities and topics documented include the establishment, organization, and operation of the Centre, and the development and delivery of courses to undergraduate students. Fonds includes Canadian Studies Steering Committee agendas, minutes, and related papers; correspondence; reports; course proposals and descriptions; and other documents.

Centre for Canadian Studies
School of Kinesiology fonds
F-60 · Fonds · 1966 - 1979

Fonds consists of records arising from the activities of the Department of Kinesiology. Fonds includes correspondence, memos, reports, proposals, financial records and architectural plans relating to provisions for the study of Kinesiology at SFU. The fonds also includes records created by the Interdisciplinary Committee on Kinesiology as well as correspondence relating to the professional interests of E.W. Banister while Chair of the Department.

Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology
F-90 · Fonds · 1965 - 2001, predominant 1965 - 1987

The fonds consists of records made or received by the Art Gallery in the process of carrying out is functions. Activities and events documented include the evolution of the Gallery's structure, functions and governance; management of the Gallery's budget; deliberations of advisory committees; correspondence of the director with other university departments and the community; and the production of numerous art exhibitions. Records include correspondence, reports, agendas, minutes, budget summaries, exhibition programs and flyers, lists and forms relating to exhibitions, news clippings, and other documents.

Simon Fraser University Gallery
Faculty of Arts fonds
F-2 · Fonds · 1965 - 1984

The fonds of the Faculty of Arts consists of records made and received in the course of the administration of the Faculty and the carrying out of its functions. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; approval of curriculum and program recommendations from departments; representation to the Senate and Board of Governors; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; and dispute resolution. The types of documents include meeting agenda and minutes, annual reports, correspondence, faculty files, memoranda, publications, reports, and working papers.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
F-4 · Fonds · 1966 - 1986

The fonds of the Department of Archaeology consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the Department and the carrying out of its functions of providing instruction and promoting research. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curriculum and programs; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; departmental reviews; and the publication of journals and reports. The types of documents include meeting agenda, correspondence, course outlines and examinations, an external review, faculty case files, memoranda, agenda and minutes of meetings, and reports.

Department of Archaeology
F-8 · Fonds · 1964 - 1984

The fonds of the Department of Economics consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the department and the carrying out of its functions of providing instruction and promoting research. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curricula and programs; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; departmental reviews; and the publication of reports. The types of documents include meeting agenda and minutes, correspondence, course outlines and examinations, case files, memoranda, and reports.

Department of Economics