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Harold Griffin fonds
MsC-46 · Fonds · [193-?-1997?]

The fonds consists of manuscripts, press clipping, correspondence, etc.

Griffin, Harold
Ronald Bayes fonds
MsA-7 · Fonds · [195-?-1968?]

The fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and other material.

Bayes, Ronald
Jack Spicer fonds
MsA-20 · Fonds · [195-?-1965?]

The fonds consists of holograph manuscripts of poems collected in "Imaginary Elegies", "Language", and "The Book of Magazine Verse".

Spicer, Jack
Jamie Reid fonds
MsC-91 · Fonds · [196?]-2005

Fonds includes correspondence, manuscripts, drafts, notebooks, posters, published material, and computer discs.

Reid, Jamie
Norm Sibum fonds
MsC-62 · Fonds · [196?]-[1999?]

Fonds consists largely of drafts of poems, as well as correspondence, notebooks and miscellaneous writings.

Sibum, Norm
Charles Watts fonds
MsA-35 · Fonds · [196?-1998]

The fonds consists chiefly of correspondence.

Watts, Charles
Sharon Thesen fonds
MsC-33 · Fonds · [196?]-2012

This fonds illustrates Sharon Thesen’s work as a poet, writer, and teacher, and also contains records pertaining to her personal life in terms of finances and relationships. It has been broken down into six series: Correspondence, Writing, Writing by Others, Teaching & Events, Personal Records, and Publications. The arrangement is as follows:

Series 1: Correspondence

Series 2: Writing
Sub-series: Drafts, Edits & Typescripts
Sub-series: Reviews and Interviews
Sub-series: Awards: Judging and Nominations

Series 3: Writing by Others
Sub-series: Typescripts
Sub-series: Reviews, Interviews & Articles

Series 4: Teaching & Events

Series 5: Personal Records
Sub-series: Financial Records
Sub-series: Ephemera
Sub-series: Personal Photos
Sub-series: Life Events

Series 6: Publications

Fonds consists of correspondence, written works by Thesen and other writers, photographs, and other records accumulated by Thesen between [197-?] and 2000. Records include correspondence, poems, reviews, and other written works, notes, a notebook, magazine & newspaper clippings, photographs, a small branch, a color print on paper, cassette tapes, personal and financial records, teaching materials, computer disks, screen printed paper prints, and event promotional materials & invitations.

Thesen, Sharon
J.H. Prynne fonds
MsE-5 · Fonds · [197-?]

The fonds consists of twenty-three sheets of holograph poems and seventy-five sheets of printed poems.

Prynne, J.H.
(f.)Lip Magazine
MsC-213 · Fonds · [198-]-1989

Fonds consists of textual records, including submitted manuscripts, paste-ups, editorial notes, subscriptions, correspondence, and other records related to the periodical (f.)Lip. The fonds has been arranged into the following two series: Editorial files, and Administrative and business files.

(f.)Lip Magazine
Dave Smith fonds
F-314 · Fonds · [199-]-2020

Fonds consists of records made or received by Dave Smith in his activities as publisher and editor of What's Brewing Magazine since 2015; and as a participant in the BC craft beer scene since the early 2000s; and as a collector of BC breweriana during this period. Records include issues of What's Brewing (BC) and correspondence and planning documents relating to the magazine; documentation on British Columbia breweries, beer festivals and events; and artefacts including posters, beer bottles, tap handles, coasters and other brewery merchandise and collectibles. Periodicals collected include a run of CAMRA Canada's What's Brewing newsletter (1983-1989), issues of the Northwest Brewing News (1997-2019), and a single issue of the British Columbia Craft Beer News (vol. 1, no. 1 2013).

The fonds is arranged into five series:

  • What's Brewing (BC) Magazine files, 2015-2020 (series 1)
  • Correspondence and brewery information files, 1993-2016 (series 2)
  • Beer festival and event files, 1993-2018 (series 3)
  • Beer periodicals, 1983-2019 (series 4)
  • Beer artefacts and collectibles, [ca. 195-]-[201-] (series 5)
Smith, Dave
Carole Rubin fonds
MsC-258 · Fonds · [200?]

Fonds consists of records created by Carole Rubin while working on her books How to Get Your Lawn off Grass and How to Get Your Lawn and Garden off Drugs . Records include correspondence, manuscripts, and research on pesticide use.

Rubin, Carole
Doukhobor collection
MsC-121 · Fonds · 1856-2019

Collection comprises photographs, manuscripts, correspondence, ephemera, books and periodical material resulting from and pertaining to the settlement and subsequent history of Doukhobors in Western Canada. Books and periodical items have been catalogued in the SFU Library Catalogue. Digitized images and accompanying descriptions of a portion of the collection are available on the Doukhobor Collection, 1898-1930 website.

Greg Evans fonds
F-316 · Fonds · 1859-1917

Fonds consists of records made or received by Greg Evans in the course of activities, mainly relating to his research on the history of brewing in BC.

Activities documented include completion of his Master's thesis, his on-going post-thesis research and the unfinished book project; correspondence with brewers and other brewing historians; public speaking engagements and consulting projects; and Evans' involvement with CAMRA and the Great Canadian Beer Festival.

Records consist predominantly of Evans' correspondence, research notes and working papers; drafts and copies of his own writings, including his MA thesis; speaking notes and presentation slides; interview notes and transcriptions; reports, newspaper clippings, copies of articles, and excerpts from books and publications; and archival photographs and textual records, mostly copied from originals held at various archives, museums and libraries.

Fonds is arranged into ten series:

  • Thesis and university work, 1969-1991 (series 1)
  • Book project files, 2011-2016 (series 2)
  • Brewing history research files, [198-]-2017 (series 3)
  • Hops industry research and exhibit files, 1989-2014 (series 4)
  • Public talks and publications (series 5)
  • Correspondence and project files (series 6)
  • Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) files (series 7)
  • Great Canadian Beer Festival files (series 8)
  • Photographs, labels, and graphics (series 9)
  • Brewing reference works (series 10)
Evans, Greg
MsC-204 · Fonds · [ca. 1860-1997?]

This fonds consists of primarily of correspondence between members of the Woodsworth/MacInnis families, along with photographic material documenting extended family and some key events. James Shaver Woodsworth (J.S.) was a leader of the social democratic movement in the early 20th century and a co-founder of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) party in 1932, of which his daughter and son-in-law were also key figures. However the subject matter of most of this fonds is of a personal familial nature, rather than in-depth political discourse or strategizing. Included in this fonds are notes, manuscripts and letters, primarily written between himself and his wife, Lucy Staples Woodsworth during the years he was serving first as a clergyman through to his involvement and arrest at the Winnipeg General Strike in 1919, as well as an extended tour of Europe and Russia with Lucy in 1932. There are a few letters between J.S. and his children as they mature and pursue careers but even when J.S. ceases to be the primary author, there is news of him in the correspondence of Lucy up until his passing in 1942.

The bulk of content in this fonds consists of correspondence between Lucy Woodsworth and her daughter Grace Woodsworth MacInnis, although there are occasional letters to, from or between her other children Belva, Ralph, Charles, Bruce and Howard. The content of this material is primarily anecdotal as Lucy informs Grace of her day-to-day activities and meetings. There is some mention of her political activities and leanings - particularly of her attendance at a Women's International League conference in 1924 or in correspondence with Grace's husband, Angus MacInnis - but most letters contain news of friends and family, of health and daily activities.

Because many of these letters were originally assembled by Grace MacInnis herself, there is a subsection of correspondence between herself and Angus, from the very first days of their courtship through their combined political careers in Parliament and up until Angus's passing in 1964.

Halpern family fonds
F-58 · Fonds · 1865 - 1990

Fonds consists of materials documenting mainly the personal life of the Halpern family but also includes some records relating to George's and Fanny's scientific and professional interests. Activities and topics documented include the Halperns' emigration to Canada, George's scientific research and business enterprises, his work with Brock House (a senior citizen's centre), Ida's community interests, and Fanny's medical career in China.

Halpern family
John Innes fonds
MsC-144 · Fonds · [after 1880]-1945

The fonds consists of records relating primarily to Innes’ drawing, painting, and writing. Records include original cartoons, publications containing Innes’ work, a chapbook, exhibit programs and reviews, and images of Innes’ paintings, as well as photographs of Innes, biographical material, and a patent agreement.

The fonds has been arranged into six series: Records relating to Innes’ paintings ([190-?]-1943); Illustrations and cartoons ([between 1880 and 1941]); Publications (1900-[ca. 1934]); Photographs of Innes ([192-?-193-?]); Patent (1 Feb. 1919); and Records relating to Innes created after his death ([1941]-1945).

Innes, John Clarke
MsC-151 · Fonds · 1887-2011, predominant 1946-2011

The fonds consists of textual records and other media created by Harry and Valerie Jerome, which reflect the various facets of Harry Jerome’s life, including academics, athletics, and community/national sports initiatives. While most of the records reflect Harry’s life, the fonds also includes records that pertain to Valerie Jerome’s life, namely her athletic and political career. In addition, a biographical manuscript, which is Valerie Jerome’s written iteration of the story of the Jerome family and Harry’s life, is included in the fonds. The fonds also includes records that were created by the Harry Jerome Commemorative Society and the Black Business and Professional Association’s Harry Jerome Awards. Additionally, the newspaper clipping series includes a file featuring Valerie Jerome’s son and Harry Jerome’s nephew, Stuart Parker, and his political endeavors with the British Columbia Green Party. In order to respect the multiple creators and the overall nature of the records, the fonds has been arranged into the following six series: Harry Jerome records; the Valerie Jerome records; Harry Jerome Award programs; the Harry Jerome Commemorative Society records; newspaper clippings; and photographs.

Jerome, Harry and Valerie
William Hoffer fonds
MsC-90 · Fonds · 1893, 1967-1993, predominant 1980-1993

Fonds consists of records reflecting Hoffer`s bookselling and publishing activities during the 1980s. Records include correspondence, fiscal files, client files, journals, book catalogues, galleys, proofsheets, critical pieces, articles, and review. The fonds is composed of the following series: Series 1. Correspondence, Series 2. Publication files, Series 3. Business files, Series 4, Miscellaneous.

Hoffer, William
F-192 · Fonds · 1895 - 1998

Fonds consists of records relating to the organization and activities of the Sons of Scotland Benevolent Association, particularly District No. 16 (British Columbia), and several of its subordinate camps, including Glamis Camp No. 210, Glengarry Camp No. 212, Lord Tweedsmuir Camp No. 209, Murray Camp No. 215, and Royal Scot Camp No. 172. Activities, events, and topics documented include the rules, rituals, and organization of the Association; the founding and development of some of the subordinate camps; meetings, activities, events, finances, and membership of District No. 16, its subordinate camps and, to a lesser degree, the Grand Camp; and correspondence and interaction among subordinate camps, as well as between subordinate camps, District No. 16, and the Grand Camp.

Records include minutes, minute books, and related papers; financial ledgers, cash books, financial statements, and financial reports; record books and note books; correspondence, reports, newsletters, and directories; constitutions and bylaws; lists; and programmes and promotional material.

Sons of Scotland Benevolent Association
Frances Wasserlein fonds
F-162 · Fonds · 1895 - 1990

The fonds consists primarily of records created during the writing of Wasserlein's MA thesis at SFU, "An Arrow Aimed at the Heart": the Vancouver Women's Caucus and the Abortion Campaign, 1969-1971, completed in 1990. The fonds also contains records related to other research Wasserlein was involved in, specifically her work with the UBC research project on non-academic women in 1979, and her application for a Canada Council grant in support of her own research project in 1982. Fonds includes taped interviews, transcripts, notes, drafts, correspondence, published materials, periodicals, and photographs. No records exist related to Wasserlein's activities with the Vancouver Folk Music Festival.

Wasserlein, Frances
Stephan S. Sorokin fonds
MsC-243 · Fonds · 1897-2004, predominantly 1949-1984

This fonds consists of personal archive of Stephen S. Sorokin that includes incoming and outgoing letters from around 1949 until his death in 1984 many of which were sent from Montevideo, Uruguay where Sorokin lived for thirt- two years. This fonds also includes many original writings and spiritual messages addressed to the Doukhobor communities, the CCBRD and the Sons of Freedom. Records in this fonds also include draft of Sorokin’s book Three Days and Three Nights published in 1950, clippings and publications related to the Sorokin’s life and his leadership of the Doukhobor community. In addition, this fonds contains Sorokin’s personal files of passports and identity documents, number of original photographs taken during his visit to British Columbia villages in 1950s and recordings of his speeches and Doukhobor singing during that visit. It also contains court records relating to Sorokin’s filing a defamation suit against Trail Times’s journalist. Additional materials include audio and video recordings of Krestova Youth Choir performances during the Expo 1986.
This sous-fonds consists of six main series: 1: Correspondence; 2: Court records; 3: Writings; 4: Personal records; 5: General records; 6: Audio-Visual records; 7: Photographs from Sorokin’s visit.

Sorokin, Stefan S.
George S. Forsythe fonds
MsC-45 · Fonds · [between 1900 and 1935]

The fonds includes photographs and examples of the stock sold by the company including ruled account books, greeting cards, religious books, and games.

G.S. Forsythe & Co.
James Hawthornthwaite fonds
MsC-47 · Fonds · 1901-1911

Fonds consists primarily of incoming correspondence addressed to Hawthornthwaite in his capacity as a Member of the Legislative Assembly from his constituents and other residents of British Columbia. The fonds contains a file consisting of legislative bills, resolutions, and acts tabled during Hawthornthwaite's tenure in the Provincial Parliament and other records that Hawthornthwaite made or received in the course of his service to the people of Nanaimo, as well as published records of the legislative assembly of British Columbia for the years 1909 and 1910. The fonds also contains: a certificate for Hawthornthwaite's share in the Western Socialist Publishing Company which published The Western Clarion, the newspaper of the Socialist Party of British Columbia; a postcard depicting Joseph Mairs, one of Hawthornthwaite's contemporaries in the Socialist Party of Canada; and a copy of a book titled The changing order: A study of democracy, given to Hawthornthwaite by his friend Harry Sibble.

Hawthornthwaite, James
Al Neil fonds
MsC-128 · Fonds · 1907–2010

Fonds consists of records generated from Al Neil's work as a musician, artist and writer, as well as his personal and family records. These include family photographs, records from Neil's military service, correspondence, documentation of performances, art exhibitions and collages, clippings of interviews and reviews, original manuscripts and drafts, published writings, grant applications, posters, and material related to his and Carole Itter's cabin at Dollarton, North Vancouver, BC.

Fonds has been arranged into the following eight series: Correspondence (1959–2010); Writings (1968–1996); Professional records (1936-2009); Reviews and clippings (1958–2009); Personal records (1940–1994); Photographs ([185-]–[200-]); Videos (1978–2005), and Sound recordings (1976–1987).

Neil, Al
David Mitchell fonds
F-56 · Fonds · 1907 - 1987

Fonds is comprised of research material gathered by David Mitchell for his book, W.A.C. Bennett and the Rise of British Columbia and records generated in the process of completing work on the book. The research material concentrates on Bennett's life as a political figure, the rise of the Social Credit Party, and political issues dealt with by the Bennett government.

It includes a mix of interviews with Bennett and other important political figures of his era, articles, clippings, government documents, Social Credit Party papers, copies of Bennett's personal papers, Mitchell's notes and rough drafts, academic papers, graphic material, and correspondence.

Mitchell, David
Laurier LaPierre fonds
MsC-198 · Fonds · 1908 - 2018

This fonds contains primarily correspondence, photographs, videotapes, and newspaper clippings as well as research and drafts from a multitude of writing projects LaPierre worked on throughout his life. There is material relevant to many of the key aspects of LaPierre's personal and professional life, including his career as a television broadcaster and producer, his academic and publishing accomplishments, his service in the Canadian Senate, his work with charities and his home life and hobbies.

The series contained in this fonds are as follows: Series 1: General correspondence and personal records (1957-2013); Series 2: Records related to television and producing career (1971-2013); Series 3: Records related to writing career (1908-2012); Series 4: Records related to term in Senate (1966-2013); Series 5: Records related to work with charities and organizations (1989-2012); Series 6: Records related to public speaking engagements (1992-2003); Series 7: Photographs (1948-2009) and; Series 8: Moving images and audiovisual material ([ca. 1985-2013]).

Portions of this fonds are relevant to other SFU collections – Daryl Duke (MsC 120), Alan Fotheringham (MsC 157), Norman Klenman (MsC 101), and possibly Edward McWhinney (MsC 191).

LaPierre, Laurier
W.A.C. Bennett fonds
F-55 · Fonds · 1909 - 1981

The fonds consists of records relating to the life of W.A.C. Bennett. Documented are his personal life, business ventures, community service, club affiliations, and political activities, including his terms as Member of the Legislative Assembly for South Okanagan, and as Premier of British Columbia.

Personal records consist of early correspondence and household records, as well as material which documents W.A.C. Bennett's association with freemasonry and his fundraising activities with organizations such as the Salvation Army.

Business records consist of material relating to Bennett Hardware, Bennett’s Stores, and Calona Wines.

Political records refer to Bennett's tenure as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for South Okanagan, as Premier and as leader of the Opposition. Also relevant are records referring to the passage of a number of Municipal Acts and Bennett’s relationship with Federal politics.

Records include correspondence, advertisements, minutes, annual reports, telegrams, itineraries, schedules, financial statistics, financial statements, petitions, questionnaires, resolutions, reports, speeches, press releases, proposals, maps, plans, charts, file notes, memoranda, newspaper clippings, scrap books, ephemera, photographs, audio recordings, film reels, and video cassettes.

Bennett, W.A.C.
Hilary Brown fonds
MsC-58 · Fonds · 1909-2007

The fonds consists mainly of textual materials, including correspondence and diaries. Also present are photo albums, scrapbooks, photographs, slides, and audio cassettes. The fonds has been arranged into the following eighteen series: Heron Rocks Friendship Centre Society (1968-2005), Heron Rocks Camping Co-op (1952-2007), Tomorrows Ancestors (1964-1985), China (1936-1996), Personal correspondence (1932-2005), Island’s Trust (1970-2002), Community activities and interests (1942-2004), Women’s issues (1938-2003), Writing, lecturing and broadcasting (1933-2000), Memoirs (1909-2000), Diaries (1929-1984), Notebooks (1930-1990), Address books (1970-1980), Correspondence to Harrison Brown (1935-1971), Correspondence from Harrison Brown (1931-1975), Photographs and slides (1909-2007), Audio cassettes (1974-1992), and Ephemera (1910-2003).

Brown, Hilary
MsC-114 · Fonds · 1910-1999

Fonds primarily contains examples of printed material created by the Margison Brothers Printers from 1959-1999. The fonds also contains some business records, including a cash book and sales tax information, as well as various printing-related publications. The fonds is divided into two series: Series 1. Printing Examples and Business Records, and Series 2. Miscellaneous Publications.

Margison Brothers Printers
Dallas Smythe fonds
F-16 · Fonds · 1913 - 1999

The fonds consists of records arising from Smythe's activities with the University of California, Berkeley; the U.S. Central Statistical Board; the U.S. Department of Labor (Wage and Hour Division); the U.S. Federal Communications Commission; his academic work; and from his various personal activities. Fonds includes correspondence, teaching materials, publications, research materials, reports, written testimony, reference material, and other records.

Smythe, Dallas