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MsC-121-0-8-0-0-1 · File · [190-?]-[195-?]
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file contains depiction of Doukhobor people in BC and Saskatchewan in the early 1900s. This file includes several portraits of Stephan Sorokin.

Early photographs V
MsC-121-0-8-0-0-9 · File · [190-]-1966
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file contains photographs of various individuals, events and places. Some photographs are in a postcard format.

MsC-121-1-1-0-0-1 · File · 190?-1951
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file comprises of letters written between Peter V. Verigin, Anastasia Holoboff and Fedosia Verigin of personal nature as well as of discussing community concerns. This file also contains a few letters written to Fedosia by Podivinnikov and J. J. Verigin.

[Writings, articles, song]
MsC-121-0-1-5-0-2 · File · [191-]-1936
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file consists of writings, articles, letters, song, accounts by various authors including: I. Barisoff, Biriukoff, P. Sergieveski. These documents relate to the history and aspects of ideology of the Doukhobor community. Some of the documents include: Plan of activity of the Brotherhood by Biriukoff; an account of Relocation of Larion Kalmykov to Caucasus; an excerpt from publication with letters by [Peter V. Verigin?]; article: Trista let s…, (1912); writing: Doukhobor answer to the veterans resolution of Feb. 13th 1919: Toil and peaceful life; Doukhobors on the Crossroads. Also, it contains a text of Doukhobor song “Pesnia” printed on the original CCUB of Alberta Limited letterhead. This file contains a few original mimeographs, but most of the documents are photocopies. Most of the documents are in Russian, except for three in English.

MsC-121-5-1-0-0-6 · File · [191-]-[194-]
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file consists of images that depict the individuals usually dressed in traditional Doukhobor clothing.

MsC-121-0-4-6-0-7 · File · [191-]-1983
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file consists of copies of the Land Act certificates from early Kootenay settlement, patents, notices, title certificates, list of charges, liens and interests and other land documents that relate to various members of the Doukhobor community. This file relates also to the CCUB, the USCC and the Sons of Freedom.

Large format photographs
MsC-121-0-8-0-0-24 · File · [191-?]-1945
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file contains large photographs most of the mounted on boards. The photographs depicts peoples, places and events between early 1900 and 1945 in BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan. The images depict harvesting activities, Doukhobor choir, and Anastasia Holoboff.

Family portraits
MsC-121-5-1-0-0-3 · File · [191-]-[195-]
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file consists of images that depict the individuals usually dressed in traditional Doukhobor clothing.

MsC-121-5-1-0-0-1 · File · [192-]
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file consists of images that depict the individuals usually dressed in traditional Doukhobor clothing.

William Devitt
MsC-158-0-4-2-0-1 · File · [192-?], 1988-1989
Part of Ginger Goodwin research collection

File consists of correspondence with the Corporation of the District of Burnaby regarding Stonebanks’ research about William Devitt, Inspector with the Canadian police force that was responsible for locating draft dodgers, as well as a photograph of Devitt.

MsC-121-0-5-0-0-143 · File · [192-?]-1993
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file consists of a memorial book and program of Fedosia Verigin’s funeral, article about Anastasia Holoboff by John W. Friesen, notes, newspaper clipping, and photographs depicting Anastasia and Fedosia life in Alberta, including their funerals.

[Nude protests]
MsC-121-0-3-9-0-24 · File · [192-]-[1979]
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file contains images of sensitive nature. The file includes images of Doukhobor protesters, some nude and some semi-nude.

At work
MsC-121-5-1-0-0-4 · File · [192-]-[193-]
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file consists of images that depict the individuals usually dressed in traditional Doukhobor clothing.

[Family keepsakes]
MSA-1a-0-12-0-0-8 · File · 1919-[192-]
Part of Robin Blaser fonds

File includes handwritten prayers, notebooks, and cards from Ina Blaser’s first communion members of the Blaser family.

Group gatherings
MsC-121-5-1-0-0-2 · File · [192-]
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file consists of images that depict the individuals usually dressed in traditional Doukhobor clothing.

MsC-121-5-1-0-0-7 · File · [192-]-[194-]
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file consists of photographs defined by the collector as Miscellaneous collection. These photographs depict Makortoff family members as well as various members of the Doukhobor community. The individuals depicted in this group of photographs are usually dressed in the fashion of the time period rather than in the traditional Doukhobor clothing.

Early photographs IV
MsC-121-0-8-0-0-8 · File · [1899]-[193-?]
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file contains photographs of various individuals, events and places. Some photographs are in a postcard format. One postcard include image of Peter P. Verigin III (Jasterbov) standing over coffin of his son, Vasya in 1931. Peter P. III died in a concentration camp in 1942. Some believe Vasya did not, in fact, die and should have been the logical successor to Chistiakov.

[W.T. Arishenkoff's records]
MsC-121-0-2-2-0-1 · File · [193-]-1953
Part of Doukhobor collection

This file consist of William (Vasily) T. Arishenkoff’s (Areshenkoff) records including outgoing and incoming correspondence, telegrams, forms, government publications, lists, reports, notebook, meeting resolutions, and protocols. Arishenkoff was a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Named Doukhobors of Canada in Saskatchewan from 1930s to 1950s. These files include Arishenkoff’s correspondence with Peter Reibin accompanied by other letters that Reibin refers to in his correspondence. Other sender, recipients, and co-authors of documents includes: Peter Abrosimoff (Abrosimov), V. Konkin, Gregori Konkin, P. Ribaikin, N. Popoff, V. A. Sukharov, V. Dumov, S. Kondratov, F. F. Salovev, P. W. Streliev, W. F. Cheveldeiff, P. Negreiv, P. Makaroff, the Named Doukhobor Society of Canada, Federation of Russian- Canadians, Humphrey Mitchell (Minister of Labor), National War Service Department. The subject of these records is the USCC response to the Canadian government requirement of men registration for the military conscription purposes in 1940. These documents refer to the Doukhobor communities in B.C. and Saskatchewan.