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Office of the Dean
F-2-1 · Series · 1965 - 1981
Part of Faculty of Arts fonds

The office of the Dean came into being with the establishment of the Faculty of Arts in September 1965. As the executive officer of the Faculty and an administrative officer of the University, the Dean has been responsible to the Senate for ensuring that the functions of the Faculty were carried out. Between 1965 and 1968, the position of Dean was filled in rotation between the Faculties of Arts and Science, and the responsibilities and duties of the position were limited to membership on the Committee of Heads, consisting of the President, Deans, and the heads of departments.

On 1 March 1968, the Board of Governors approved the recommendation that the Dean be a permanent position and have more extensive duties. Specifically, the position was given six major duties: 1) to act as the central budget authority for all departments and programs in the Faculty of Arts; 2) to administer all Arts non-departmental programs; 3) to coordinate curriculum development through the faculty undergraduate and graduate curriculum committees and maintain scholastic uniformity; 4) to be responsible for faculty hiring, discipline, tenure and promotion in conjunction with appropriate departments; 5) to facilitate the research undertaken by faculty members by ensuring facilities, equipment and support, and; 6) to engage in the ongoing assessment of faculty performance, through performance review, contract renewal, tenure and promotion evaluations. Further, the Dean acts as chair of faculty meetings and represents the Faculty to external bodies such as the Senate and the Board of Governors.

Series consists of records relating to the activities of the Dean as the chief officer of the Faculty. The records document both administrative and operational activities, including correspondence with university and external bodies and participation on various committees. The forms of materials include meeting agenda and minutes, correspondence, memoranda, and reports.