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MsC-102 · Collection · [1965]-2013

The collection reflects the many aspects of the Canadian Farmworkers Union’s organization and its actions, including unionizing workers and certifying workplaces, advocating for workers’ rights, providing ESL classes and other educational programs, and speaking out on behalf of other workers’ rights and social rights in Canada and around the world. Records include administrative documents, financial records, internal and external correspondence, reference material on a variety of subjects, publications, and numerous photographs of events and activities.

The majority of the material in the collection was created or received by the CFU in the course of its work, but some material, such as the Charan Gill photographs and Craig Berggold book research records, was created by others in relation to the CFU.

The collection has been arranged into nine series: Administrative records (1974-2010); Event photographs ([198--1985]); Union action records ([1978]-1997); Programming and project records ([1965]-Printed 2013 (originally created 1986)); Research and advocacy records ([197-]-2011); Deol Society records (1977-1998); Canadian Farmworkers Union Ontario photographs and administrative records ([1979?]-1983); Charan Gill photographs ([199-]); and Craig Berggold book research records ([201-]-2013).

Canadian Farmworkers Union
F-251-3-2 · Sub-series · 1979 - 2004
Part of Hari Sharma fonds

Sub-series consists of records arising from Hari Sharma's research into institutional racism in the workplace and focuses on farm labour in British Columbia where labour migrations (from South Asia and elsewhere) have created a multiracial working class. Includes questionnaires, responses, notes, memos, membership campaign materials, and articles written by Sharma.

Canadian Farmworkers Union