Showing 2158 results

Archival description
Stampede of Cattle
Stampede of Cattle
Bull Train
Bull Train
Shooting up the Town
Shooting up the Town
Mounted Police Scouts - Canadian West
Mounted Police Scouts - Canadian West
Cowboy Race, at the Half
Cowboy Race, at the Half
Mounted Police on Winter Patrol - Canadian West
Mounted Police on Winter Patrol - Canadian West
Stage Coach
Stage Coach
Red River Carts
Red River Carts
Records relating to Innes’ paintings
Records relating to Innes’ paintings
Police Camp at Night - Canadian West
Police Camp at Night - Canadian West
The War Canoe
The War Canoe
Pack Train
Pack Train
Army Howard
Army Howard
“The hold-up season”
“The hold-up season”
“Bringing home the bacon”
“Bringing home the bacon”
Army Howard running in Winnipeg
Army Howard running in Winnipeg
“Pleasant dreams these cool nights”
“Pleasant dreams these cool nights”
“The ‘Hold-Up’ Man”
“The ‘Hold-Up’ Man”
“Militants attention”
“Militants attention”
[Page with 3 pencil sketches]
[Page with 3 pencil sketches]
[Newspaper clippings relating to Innes paintings]
[Newspaper clippings relating to Innes paintings]
[Photograph of Innes sitting on the lawn]
[Photograph of Innes sitting on the lawn]
John Innes : Painter of the Canadian West
John Innes : Painter of the Canadian West
[Pencil sketch for painting]
[Pencil sketch for painting]
Photographs of Innes
Photographs of Innes
[Photograph of Innes walking with another man]
[Photograph of Innes walking with another man]
[Newspaper clipping about Innes’ painting “The End”]
[Newspaper clipping about Innes’ painting “The End”]
Harold Griffin fonds
Harold Griffin fonds