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[Group shot of multiple adults and older children]
[Group shot of multiple adults and older children]
[Portrait shot of a man]
[Portrait shot of a man]
[Nirmal, in a sari, standing with an older woman and a group of children]
[Nirmal, in a sari, standing with an older woman and a group of children]
[A young man with a coat and scarf]
[A young man with a coat and scarf]
[A young man with glasses]
[A young man with glasses]
[Three men in front of a decorative window]
[Three men in front of a decorative window]
Government House Birthday Party
Government House Birthday Party
[Nirmal, standing on a pathway, with a small girl running behind]
[Nirmal, standing on a pathway, with a small girl running behind]
[Nirmal holding a baby]
[Nirmal holding a baby]
[Portrait of a man and woman]
[Portrait of a man and woman]
[A dog on the lawn of a large house]
[A dog on the lawn of a large house]
[Portrait shot of Nirmal]
[Portrait shot of Nirmal]
[Two men standing by palm trees]
[Two men standing by palm trees]
Shiv + Jab Agra
Shiv + Jab Agra
[A young man and a woman with braids, sitting in a chair]
[A young man and a woman with braids, sitting in a chair]
Kutub Minar
Kutub Minar
[View of a family around a table: Nirmal, Ajaib (??) and three children]
[View of a family around a table: Nirmal, Ajaib (??) and three children]
[Two women sitting on a wall or bench in front of a large building]
[Two women sitting on a wall or bench in front of a large building]
[Ajaib and Nirmal standing on a bridge]
[Ajaib and Nirmal standing on a bridge]
[Two boys on horseback]
[Two boys on horseback]
[Ajaib, Nirmal, and a group of others dressed in Hawaiian shirts]
[Ajaib, Nirmal, and a group of others dressed in Hawaiian shirts]
[Four men sitting on stone steps, with another man standing behind a gated door]
[Four men sitting on stone steps, with another man standing behind a gated door]
Calcutta Passport
Calcutta Passport
[Two women sitting on a wall or bench in front of a large building]
[Two women sitting on a wall or bench in front of a large building]
[A small girl and boy sitiing on a step]
[A small girl and boy sitiing on a step]
[Ajaib, Nirmal, and a group of others dressed in Hawaiian shirts]
[Ajaib, Nirmal, and a group of others dressed in Hawaiian shirts]
Sheela's Brother, Sager
Sheela's Brother, Sager
[Portrait of a young man in military uniform]
[Portrait of a young man in military uniform]
Harry Hare
Harry Hare