Full citation: Wassermann, Selma. Asking the Right Question. Burnaby: Professional Programs, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, 2005.
Full citation: Wassermann, Selma. Enriching Open Schools Social Studies 7 with the Ancient History CD-ROM Handbook. A joint initiative between Teaching for Thinking, Distance Education Schools of British Columbia, and Open School BC. January 2004. Includes CD.
Full citation: Wassermann, Selma and Mary Connolly. World History: A Comparative Civilizations Perspective. Vancouver: Teaching for Thinking, [2003]. Includes Teacher's Guide and CD.
Full citation. Wassermann, Selma. Buddy Brush and the Painted Playhouse: A Multi-Media CD-ROM for Promoting Creativity in the Early Childhood Years. CD not transferred to Archives. Vancouver: ITP Entertainment Inc., 2001.
Full citation: Wassermann, Selma. The Adventures of Tooker the Remarkable Dog (2 CDs). Vancouver: Figaro Educational Software Inc., n.d. No booklet, 2 CDs.
Full citation: Wassermann, Selma and Wallace Eggert. Profiles of Teaching Competency. Form A: Pre-Service Professional Development. 1973, revised 1986, 1988, 1994
Full citation: Wassermann, Selma and Jodi Wigmore. Presumed Enemies: The Injustice of the Japanese Internment During WWII. Vancouver: Figaro Educational Software Inc., [1999]. Includes CD.
Proceedings of the Fourth National Symposium of the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies. Edited by Richard Butt, John Olson, and Jacques Daignault. Published by the Centre for the Study of Curriculum and Instruction (University of British Columbia), 1983. Wassermann's contribution is titled "Curriculum Reform and Classroom Realities: Henny Penny, The Sky Is Falling", p. 41-52.
The 8th Annual Reading Conference held at The Centre for Continuing Education, York University, February 19-22, 1975. Wassermann's contribution is titled "Down with Reading Failure: The Key Vocabulary Approach to Beginning Reading," pp. 9-21.
Produced by College Entrance Examination Board, 1997. Wassermann's contribution is in Section 3, "Teaching with Cases" (pp. 169-172) and "Alternate Case One: The Invisible Killer" (pp. 205-212).` The publication was an outcome of a conference held in 1994.
Selma Wassermann was Editorial Advisor to Today's Grandparent from 1999-2001 and she wrote a regular column that appeared in each issue.
Article by Wassermann:
-Selma Wassermann. "Key Vocabulary: Impact on Beginning Reading." Young Children 33, no. 4 (May 1978): 33-38.
Articles by Wassermann:
-Selma Wassermann. "The Teacher as Decision-Maker or, What Shapes Educational Practice?" Teacher Education 9 (Spring 1976): 79-82.
-Selma Wassermann. "'How I Taught Myself to Teach' or The Harpsichord Theory of Education." Teacher Education 17 (October 1980): 31-44.
L. Langley and S. Wassermann. "Alternatives to the Gumdrop: More Effective Inservice Programs for Teachers." Teacher Education 32 (April 1988): 31-42.
Article by Wassermann:
-Selma Wassermann. "The Play." Teaching and Learning 1, no. 1 (Fall 1986): 22-25.
Article by Wassermann:
-Selma Wassermann. "Helping Relationships in the Classroom." Special Education in Canada 53, no. 2 (Winter 1979): 28-31.
Article by Wassermann:
-Selma Wassermann. "Guest Editorial. Teaching the Gifted: Preparing Tomorrow's Leaders." Roeper Review 4, no. 1 (September 1981): 2-4.
Article by Wassermann:
-Selma Wassermann. "Review of Values and Teaching by Louis E. Raths, Merrill Harmon and Sydney B. Simon (Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Books, [1965])." Scholastic Teacher (Feburary 25, 1966): 6.
Articles by Wassermann:
-Selma Wassermann. "Serious Play in the Classroom - How Messing Around Can Win You the Nobel Prize." Primary Leadership 5, no. 1 (Spring 2002): 32-38.
-Selma Wassermann. "Creating Opportunities for Learning." Primary Leadership 5, no. 1 (Spring 2002): 39-40.
-Selma Wassermann. "The Art of the Question." Primary Leadership 5, no. 1 (Spring 2002): 41-43.
-Selma Wassermann. "Learning to Value Error" Primary Leadership 5, no. 1 (Spring 2002): 44-46.
-Selma Wassermann. "What's Evaluation For?" Primary Leadership 5, no. 1 (Spring 2002): 47-48.
Article by Wassermann:
-Selma Wasserman. "Teaching for Thinking: The Principal's Role." Principal 66, no. 3 (January 1987): 17-21.
Articles by Wassermann:
-Selma Wassermann. "Curriculum Enrichment with Computer Software: Adventures in the Trade." Phi Delta Kappan 82, no. 8 (April 2001): 592-597.
-Selma Wassermann. "Quantum Theory, the Uncertainty Principle, and the Alchemy of Standardized Testing." Phi Delta Kappan 83, no. 1 (September 2001): 28-40.
-Selma Wassermann. "Leaving." Phi Delta Kappan 83, no 10 (June 2002): 792-795.
-Selma Wassermann. "Dare to Be Different." Phi Delta Kappan 88, no. 5 (January 2007): 384-390.
-Selma Wassermann. "Let's Have a Famine! Connecting Means and Ends in Teaching to Big Ideas." Phi Delta Kappan 89, no. 4 (December 2007): 290-297.
-Selma Wassermann. "Growing Teachers: Some Important Principles for Professional Development." Phi Delta Kappan 90, no. 7 (March 2009): 485-489.
-Selma Wassermann. "Teaching for Thinking Redux: A Curriculum Model for Classroom Practices." Phi Delta Kappan 91, no. 5 (February 2010): 81-84. [online]
Articles by Wassermann:
-Selma Wassermann. "Organic Teaching in the Primary Classroom." Phi Delta Kappan 58, no. 3 (November 1976): 264-268.
-Selma Wassermann. "My Friend Connie." Phi Delta Kappan 59, no. 4 (December 1977): 245-246.
-Selma Wassermann. "The Gifted Can't Weigh That Giraffe." Phi Delta Kappan 63, no. 9 (May 1982): 621.
-Selma Wassermann. "What Can Schools Become?" Phi Delta Kappan 65, no. 10 (June 1984): 690-693.
-Selma Wassermann. "Teaching for Thinking: Louis E. Raths Revisited." Phi Delta Kappan 68, no. 6 (February 1987): 460-466.
-Selma Wassermann. "Reflections on Measuring Thinking, While Listening to Mozart's Jupiter Symphony." Phi Delta Kappan 70, no. 5 (January 1989): 365-370
Articles by Wassermann:
-Selma Wassermann. "A Case for Social Studies." Phi Delta Kappan 73, no. 10 (June 1992): 793-801.
-Selma Wassermann. "Using Cases to Study Teaching." Phi Delta Kappan 75, no. 8 (April 1994): 602-611.
-Selma Wassermann. "Shazam! You're a Teacher; Facing the Illusory Quest for Certainty in Classroom Practice." Phi Delta Kappan 80, no. 6 (February 1999): 464-468.