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              20 Archival description results for Education

              20 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              MsC-125-0-3-3 · Sub-series · 1991–2014
              Part of Derek Beaulieu fonds

              Sub-series contains research and project files for Derek Beaulieu’s MA thesis on the TISH poets, and annotated drafts of his PhD dissertation on concrete poetry and conceptual writing.

              Bill Gaston fonds
              MsC-94 · Fonds · 1981-2008

              The fonds consists mainly of items related to Gaston's writing activities dating from 1981. It includes hand-written and word-processed correspondence between Gaston and friends, editors, publishers, and other writers; galley copies, published copies, manuscripts and drafts of unpublished and published books, articles, short stories, plays, radio plays, reviews, and poems; clippings and photocopies of reviews of Gaston's work; pen and ink drawings by Gaston; author photographs, contact sheets, and negatives; miscellaneous notes by Gaston on his work, thoughts, and readings; notes and memos related to Gaston's work as a teacher; an address book; a VHS video tape; promotional materials for Gaston's books and public appearances at readings and festivals; and ephemera such as tourism brochures.

              The materials were received from the creator in two accessions. The first accession consisted of 12 boxes containing records of Gaston's work and writing from 1981 to 2005, including materials relating to all his published works up to Sointula (2004). The second consisted of five boxes containing materials relating mostly to the period from 2006 to 2008, covering the creation and publication of Midnight Hockey (2006), Gargoyles (2006), and The Order of Good Cheer (2008). The creator had arranged the materials in the fonds generally by individual work, and this arrangement has been maintained. Original file titles, where available, have also been retained. The fonds has been divided into 8 series: Series 1. Correspondence; Series 2. Writing; Series 3. Promotion, reviews, awards and honours; Series 4. Biographical information and photos; Series 5. Professional activities and teaching; Series 6. Screenplay adaptation of Sointula; Series 7. Ephemera; Series 8. Books

              Gaston, Bill
              Boag Foundation fonds
              MsC-260 · Fonds · [194?]-[199?]

              Fonds consists of records relating to the activities and administration of the Allan Boag Foundation, including financial and accounting records, requests for funding, correspondence, grant applications and rejection letters.

              Boag Foundation
              Carolyn Zonailo fonds
              MsC-79 · Fonds · 1955-2005

              The fonds contains manuscripts, correspondence, journals, documents related to provincial and national writers organizations and documents related to the founding and running of Caitlin Press, The Poem Factory/Usine de Poeme, and Coracle Press including correspondence, manuscripts, promotional materials, and business records. Also includes papers related to Zonailo's academic work at various universities, as well as personal memorabilia, phonograph recordings and audio-cassettes of Zonailo's poetry set to music, video-cassettes, musical scores, literary periodicals, books by other authors (mostly inscribed to Zonailo), poetry broadsides, chapbooks, and ephemera. Records related to Zonailo's work as a member or the planning committee of the C.G. Jung Society of Montreal and editor of its newsletter are also included as well as correspondence, periodicals, graphic materials, and other records related to astrology.

              Zonailo, Carolyn
              3 · Series · [200-?]-2007
              Part of Betty Krawczyk fonds

              Series consists of course outlines, certificates, articles, print-outs of PowerPoint slides, and notes written by Betty Krawczyk when completing courses from the Institute of Indigenous Government concerning Aboriginal Women’s Studies. File also includes one Simon Fraser University course outline.

              F. Margaret Hayward fonds
              F-128 · Fonds · 1963 - 1999

              Fonds consists primarily of records made or received by F. Margaret Hayward in her role as director of the Reading and Study Centre at SFU. Includes reading and study course materials developed for the Centre, a survey of reading and study programs across Canada, correspondence relating to Hayward's appointment and work at the Centre, an oral history of F. Margaret Hayward recorded by Letty Wilson, former administrator at SFU, and a photograph of the opening ceremonies at SFU.

              Hayward, F. Margaret
              Faculty of Education fonds
              F-233 · Fonds · 1963 - 2005

              The fonds consists of records made and received by the Faculty of Education in the course of administering its programs and operations. Activities documented include policy and procedures development, budget planning, and relations with staff, faculty members, and students; the self-governance of the faculty through the faculty meeting and faculty committees; the evolution of the faculty's administrative structure and its re-organizations; the administration of faculty departments and centres (prior to 1972) and program area divisions (after 1972); the development of curriculum and delivery of courses; liaison with other SFU bodies and departments, other universities, government bodies and agencies, school boards, and professional associations relating to education; and special events held by the faculty, including conferences, colloquia, and public lecture series. Textual records include meeting agenda and minutes, reports, correspondence, publications, statistics, notes and working papers. Non-textual media include photographic material, architectural drawings, and audio and audio-visual recordings. For more detailed descriptions, see the series-level descriptions.

              Note that there are a number of gaps in the coverage of the fonds. No records have been transferred from the Dean's office (series 1) for the period after 1984. The series of committee records (series 3) includes no or very few files from several of the faculty's standing committees (Field Programs, Appointments, Tenure and Promotion, and Research Opportunities). The holdings of the early centres and departments of the faculty (series 4) are slight, with the exception of those for the Department of Behavioural Science Foundations. Of the program area divisions established after the 1972 reorganization (five as of 2008), only one (Professional Programs) has transferred its records to the Archives (series 5).

              Faculty of Education
              F-171 · Fonds · 1983 - 1998, predominant 1991 - 1998

              Fonds consists of records relating to the activities of the Fraser Valley University Society and its role in the establishment of the Technical University of British Columbia. Activities, events, and topics documented include the formation of the Society; the Society's organization, structure and membership; general administration and correspondence; management of the Society's budget and financial resources; Board, committee, and other meetings; community outreach and promotion; fundraising; research; and the Society's development of relationships with municipal and provincial government bodies.

              Records include correspondence; minutes and agendas; organizational charts, constitutions, by-laws, mission statements, policies and procedures; budgets and financial statements; reports; subject files; member and donor lists; speeches; newsletters, promotional brochures and flyers; press releases and newspaper articles; videocassettes; and photographs and slides.

              Fraser Valley University Society
              Hinda Avery fonds
              MsC-230 · Fonds · [1980]

              Fonds consists of records documenting Hinda Avery's career as an artist and art teacher in Vancouver, B.C. Includes teaching notes, slides, and notebooks.

              Avery, Hinda
              Hugh Johnston fonds
              F-223 · Fonds · 1958 - 2004

              Fonds consists of research material gathered by Johnston for his book Radical Campus: Making Simon Fraser University. Subjects, events and activities documented include the socio-political context of post-secondary education in the 1960s; the establishment of SFU; and the rise of student activism. The fonds consists primarily of photocopied material from fonds and newspapers; interview transcriptions and audiocassettes; and notes and drafts.

              Johnston, Hugh
              F-240 · Fonds · 1960 - 1998

              The fonds consists of records made and received by the Institute of Fisheries Analysis in the course of administering its day-to-day operations. Activities and topics documented include the establishment, organization, and operation of the Institute (including its physical space); budget and funding; projects, programs, and agreements; IFA publications and publicity; and student, staff, and IFA member relations. Records in the fonds include correspondence, minutes, contracts, internal directories, reports, discussion papers, subject files (relating to fisheries research), press clippings, and IFA brochures.

              Note that the records of the Institute of Fisheries Analysis contain university records from the Centre for Canadian Studies and the Department of Economics and Commerce. This anomaly likely occurred because of Parzival Copes’s involvement as director and instructor within each of these bodies. The records he used would have been maintained together in whichever office he occupied. For further information on these records see the descriptions and notes for Series F-240-5: Centre for Canadian Studies records and Series F-240-6: Department of Economics and Commerce records.

              Institute of Fisheries Analysis
              Kevin Roberts fonds
              MsC-95 · Fonds · [198?]-[200?]

              Fonds consists of records accumulated by Kevin Roberts during his work as a writer and a teacher. They include teaching notes, manuscripts, drafts, and correspondence.

              Roberts, Kevin
              Lisa Robertson fonds
              MsC-38 · Fonds · 1983-

              The collection consists of items related to Robertson's writing, editing, and teaching activities, and includes correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, notebooks, teaching materials, clippings, video and audio tapes, ephemera, and a range of publications, some of which Robertson worked on as an editor, and others to which she contributed her own work. The collection also includes manuscripts produced by several of Robertson's friends and colleagues and original artwork used for covers and interior graphics of various publications.

              Robertson, Lisa
              Peter Buitenhuis fonds
              F-242 · Fonds · 1955 - 2005

              Fonds consists of records relating to the personal and academic life of Peter M. Buitenhuis. Activities, topics, and events documented include course planning and instruction; academic conference attendance and presentations; Buitenhuis's research, writing, and publications; his social life and relationships; and his death and memorial.

              Records include correspondence; research notes; class and lecture notes; lesson plans, course syllabi, reading lists, and course work; photographs; manuscripts, publications, literary reviews, articles, and newspaper clippings.

              Buitenhuis, Peter
              Richard E. Lester fonds
              F-209 · Fonds · 1963-1985

              Fonds consists of records relating to Lester's time as a member of the Board of Governers and then the Chairman of the Board. The records are arranged in 3 series: Academic Freedom and Tenure, Correspondence, and Subject files. The subject files include records relating to the CAUT censure, the Department of Political Science, Sociology, and Anthropology (PSA) dispute, and university reorganization as a result of the censure and dispute.

              Lester, Richard E.
              F-177 · Fonds · 1988 - 2002

              Fonds consists of records relating to the activities of the Office of the President and the Board of Governors. Activities, events and topics documented include the establishment and development of TechBC and its programs; early governance, including the activities of the Interim Planning Council and the Interim Governing Board for TechBC; meetings of the Board of Governors and various other university committees and boards; campus development; budgeting, fundraising, and other financial management activities; human resources management; public relations activities; and external co-operation and liaison activities, including TechBC's relationship with the Provincial Government.

              Records include terms of reference, minutes, agendas, and supporting papers; correspondence; reports, papers, proposals, academic plans, and working papers; subject files; audit reports, budgets, grant applications, and financial statements; reference manuals and policy statements; contracts and agreements; personnel files and job descriptions; course outlines, program outlines, and academic calendars; presentations and speeches; booklets, brochures, and promotional material; press releases, newspaper articles, journal articles, and newsletters; photographs; videocassettes; audio cassettes; architectural drawings; and artifacts.

              Technical University of British Columbia
              F-172 · Fonds · 1994 - 2002

              The fonds consists of records made or received by the TeleLearning Network's management office in the course of administering the Network's affairs.

              Activities documented include Annual General Meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors and TeleLearning committees, Network financial administration and budgeting, communications, media relations and web presence, the holding of annual TeleLearning Conferences, NCE reporting, management of research projects, and promotion of TeleLearning spin-off companies.

              Records include meeting agendas, minutes and supporting papers; NCE application submissions and working papers; reports, including Annual Reports, NCE statistical reports and the final NCE report; letters patent of incorporation, Network internal agreements, memoranda of agreement, by-laws, policies and procedures; correspondence, notes, and working papers; budgets, financial statements, audit reports, tax returns, year-end documents and planning documents; conference programs, audio tapes of conference presentations, conference promotional material and artifacts; TeleLearning software products on CD ROM, and TeleLearning's web site (burned onto a CD in September 2002); communications plan, press releases and press clippings.

              Record media include paper, electronic (spreadsheets, word-processing documents, graphics formats, and html files), optical disks, audio tapes, photographs, graphics and artifacts.

              TeleLearning Network Inc.
              Thelma Finlayson fonds
              F-37 · Fonds · 1950 - 1999

              Fonds consists of records made or received by Thelma Finlayson. Records reflect Professor Finlayson's research interests, teaching activities, administrative service to SFU, and participation in scholarly organizations. Includes correspondence, referee reports, lecture schedules, midterm exams, final exams, marking schemes, laboratory lessons, newsletters, agendas, publications, press releases, newspaper clippings, drawings and graphs.
              Fonds is arranged into 5 series:

              1. Correspondence
              2. SFU subject files
              3. Publications
              4. Course files
              5. Drawings
              Finlayson, Thelma
              F-117 · Fonds · 1976 - 1977

              Fonds consists of records generated by the Women's Cultural Exchange in the process of establishing the society, finding a location, opening, and using the space to fulfill their mandate to provide a cultural centre for women. Records reflect the incorporation of the society, minutes of meetings, membership, events, and finances. Includes constitution, certificates of incorporation, minutes, agenda, correspondence, membership lists, account book, scrap book, and ephemera.

              Women's Cultural Exchange
              Writings by students
              MsC-125-0-3-4 · Sub-series · 2008–2015
              Part of Derek Beaulieu fonds

              Sub-series contains works written and/or produced by students of Derek Beaulieu, from institutions such as Alberta College of Art & Design, Henry Wise Wood Senior High School and the Writers Guild of Alberta. These publications reflect Beaulieu’s teaching and his approach to independent publishing.